(Looking at the 1.59 release notes at https://blog.rust-lang.org/2022/02/24/Rust-1.59.0.html , I'm wondering if this might be related to the `Incremental compilation off by default` change noted there. I'm trying a clean rebuild with my normally-failing setup **and** with the env variable noted there to reenable incremental compilation, in case that helps -- though I won't have a chance to look at the results until morning in my timezone.)
Bug 1760743 Comment 5 Edit History
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(Looking at the 1.59 release notes at https://blog.rust-lang.org/2022/02/24/Rust-1.59.0.html , I'm wondering if this might be related to the `Incremental compilation off by default` change noted there; none of the other highlighted changes seems like it might cause this. I'm trying a clean rebuild with my normally-failing setup **and** with the env variable noted there to reenable incremental compilation, in case that helps -- though I won't have a chance to look at the results until morning in my timezone.)