This bug is marked as fixed, and its title is "Fenix **and GeckoView Example** nightlies should be kepy around for longer than 1 year". I understand from comment 2 that Fenix nightlies have been "beetmoved" to archive.m.o since December 2021, and are available at Has something similar been implemented for GeckoView Example nightlies, and if so where can I find those?
Bug 1763040 Comment 10 Edit History
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This bug is marked as fixed, and its title is "Fenix **and GeckoView Example** nightlies should be kept around for longer than 1 year". I understand from comment 2 that Fenix nightlies have been "beetmoved" to archive.m.o since December 2021, and are available at Has something similar been implemented for GeckoView Example nightlies, and if so where can I find those?