Hello, I reproduced the issue on the latest Release (99.0.1/20220411174855) with a Spanish (Mexico) language pack installed https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/spanish-mexico-language-pack/ (note that the add-on has been installed before the language pack) and also on the latest Nightly (101.0a1/20220417212536) and Beta (100.0b7/20220417185951) with a Spanish (es-ES) locale under Windows 10 x64. On the above mentioned browsers, I’ve installed AdGuard AdBlocker and checked the details page of the add-on in Add-ons Manager. Although the entire browser interface is in Spanish, the add-on description is in English, as shown in the screenshot attached in comment 0. I have also performed some additional tests on Firefox Release, where I’ve also installed NoScript and the same issue occurs while using the Spanish (Mexico) language pack. However, I’ve also installed a French and then a German language pack and applied them and the add-on details get properly translated to French/German. I’ve also tried the same on 2 Nightlies (one with a Spanish locale and one with German locale). After installing both AdGuard and AdBlocker and NoScript, I observed that the add-ons on the Spanish Nightly have their details in English, while on the German Nightly, the details are in German. So it appears that there is indeed an issue with Spanish at this moment.
Bug 1765023 Comment 2 Edit History
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Hello, I reproduced the issue on the latest Release (99.0.1/20220411174855) with a Spanish (Mexico) language pack installed https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/spanish-mexico-language-pack/ (note that the add-on has been installed before the language pack) and also on the latest Nightly (101.0a1/20220417212536) and Beta (100.0b7/20220417185951) with a Spanish (es-ES) locale under Windows 10 x64. On the above mentioned browsers, I’ve installed AdGuard AdBlocker and checked the details page of the add-on in Add-ons Manager. Although the entire browser interface is in Spanish, the add-on description is in English, as shown in the screenshot attached in comment 0. I have also performed some additional tests on Firefox Release, where I’ve also installed NoScript and the same issue occurs while using the Spanish (Mexico) language pack. However, I’ve also installed a French and then a German language pack and applied them and the add-on details get properly translated to French/German. I’ve also tried the same on 2 Nightlies (one with a Spanish locale and one with German locale). After installing both AdGuard AdBlocker and NoScript, I observed that the add-ons on the Spanish Nightly have their details in English, while on the German Nightly, the details are in German. So it appears that there is indeed an issue with Spanish at this moment.