Requires mini-month view to be present. See also bug 1739823. STR: 1. Ctrl-Shift-C to open the Calendar tab day 2. From the calendar at top left, select / highlight some date in the future 3. Click the Create A New Event button 4. The New Event window will display the future date selected as the Start Date 5. Close the New Event window 6. Click the Go To Today button to reset the calendar to today's date 7. Close the Calendar tab 8. In the mini-month view, go to some future date and create a new event 9. The event will NOT be that future date but today's date If you omit step 6 from the STR, step 8 will work but now that date will be permanently stuck at whatever was chosen in step 2 and will always be the new Start date.
Bug 1766835 Comment 0 Edit History
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Requires mini-month view to be present. See also bug 1739823. STR: 1. Ctrl-Shift-C / Alt-3 to open the Calendar tab day 2. From the calendar at top left, select / highlight some date in the future 3. Click the Create A New Event button 4. The New Event window will display the future date selected as the Start Date 5. Close the New Event window 6. Click the Go To Today button to reset the calendar to today's date 7. Close the Calendar tab 8. In the mini-month view, go to some future date and create a new event 9. The event will NOT be that future date but today's date If you omit step 6 from the STR, step 8 will work but now that date will be permanently stuck at whatever was chosen in step 2 and will always be the new Start date.