STR: 1. Load this data URI: ``` data:text/html,<div style="float:left">hhh</div><div style="display:flow-root;writing-mode:vertical-rl">vvv ``` ACTUAL RESULTS: "vvv" gets pushed down below the floated "hhh" (clearing the float). EXPECTED RESULTS: "vvv" probably doesn't need to clear the float; it doesn't need very much horizontal space. If I give it a specified `width` (within reason i.e. small enough to fit in the viewport), then it moves up to be on the right side of `hhh`. It's only when it has an auto `width` that we push it down to its own line. (We probably behave as we do because, for the vertical-WM element, an 'auto' width is unresolvable without actually fully laying out its contents, and we haven't done that yet at the point where we're deciding where it will go with respect to potentially-colliding floats. So, we might assume the worst and push it down, to avoid collisions.) Current Chrome and Safari give EXPECTED RESULTS here. Firefox gives ACTUAL RESULTS.
Bug 1767091 Comment 0 Edit History
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STR: 1. Load this data URI: ``` data:text/html,<div style="float:left">hhh</div><div style="display:flow-root;writing-mode:vertical-rl">vvv ``` ACTUAL RESULTS: "vvv" gets pushed down below the floated "hhh" (clearing the float). EXPECTED RESULTS: "vvv" should probably be to the right of "hhh". It doesn't need to clear the float; it doesn't need very much horizontal space, since it's only ~1em wide and can easily fit alongside "hhh". If I give the "vvv" div a specified `width` (within reason, i.e. small enough to fit in the viewport), then it moves up to be on the right side of `hhh`. It's only when it has an auto `width` that we push it down to its own line. (We probably behave as we do because, for the vertical-WM element, an 'auto' width is unresolvable without actually fully laying out its contents, and we haven't done that yet at the point where we're deciding where it will go with respect to potentially-colliding floats. So, we might assume the worst and push it down, to avoid collisions.) Current Chrome and Safari give EXPECTED RESULTS here. Firefox gives ACTUAL RESULTS.