Bug 1767091 Comment 0 Edit History

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1. Load this data URI:
data:text/html,<div style="float:left">hhh</div><div style="display:flow-root;writing-mode:vertical-rl">vvv

"vvv" gets pushed down below the floated "hhh" (clearing the float).

"vvv" probably doesn't need to clear the float; it doesn't need very much horizontal space.

If I give it a specified `width` (within reason i.e. small enough to fit in the viewport), then it moves up to be on the right side of `hhh`.  It's only when it has an auto `width` that we push it down to its own line.

(We probably behave as we do because, for the vertical-WM element, an 'auto' width is unresolvable without actually fully laying out its contents, and we haven't done that yet at the point where we're deciding where it will go with respect to potentially-colliding floats.  So, we might assume the worst and push it down, to avoid collisions.)

Current Chrome and Safari give EXPECTED RESULTS here. Firefox gives ACTUAL RESULTS.
1. Load this data URI:
data:text/html,<div style="float:left">hhh</div><div style="display:flow-root;writing-mode:vertical-rl">vvv

"vvv" gets pushed down below the floated "hhh" (clearing the float).

"vvv" should probably be to the right of "hhh".  It doesn't need to clear the float; it doesn't need very much horizontal space, since it's only ~1em wide and can easily fit alongside "hhh".

If I give the "vvv" div a specified `width` (within reason, i.e. small enough to fit in the viewport), then it moves up to be on the right side of `hhh`.  It's only when it has an auto `width` that we push it down to its own line.

(We probably behave as we do because, for the vertical-WM element, an 'auto' width is unresolvable without actually fully laying out its contents, and we haven't done that yet at the point where we're deciding where it will go with respect to potentially-colliding floats.  So, we might assume the worst and push it down, to avoid collisions.)

Current Chrome and Safari give EXPECTED RESULTS here. Firefox gives ACTUAL RESULTS.

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