Typically, double clicking in a link causes triggering the link so that the selection will not be available. And if the link is disabled by JS or something, and the visibility of the link is same as surrounding text, the behavior difference of the double clicking must look odd. Additionally, users can always select link text with adding `user-select: all` into `userContent.css`, for example: ``` @-moz-document domain(example.com) { a[href] { user-select: all !important; } } ``` I think that it does not make sense to change double click behavior only in `<a href>` element unless it causes not working some web apps. On the other hand, it might be useful if the context menu has "Copy link text", but out of scope of this component.
Bug 1769320 Comment 2 Edit History
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Typically, double clicking in a link causes triggering the link so that the selection will not be available. And if the link is disabled by JS or something, and the visibility of the link is same as surrounding text, the behavior difference of the double clicking must look odd. Additionally, users can always select link text with adding `user-select: all` into `userContent.css`, for example: ``` @-moz-document domain(example.com) { a[href]:not(:read-write) { user-select: all !important; } } ``` I think that it does not make sense to change double click behavior only in `<a href>` element unless it causes not working some web apps. On the other hand, it might be useful if the context menu has "Copy link text", but out of scope of this component.