**Environment:** Browser / Version: Firefox Nightly 102.0a1 (2022-05-18) Operating System: Windows 10 Pro **Steps to Reproduce:** 1. Navigate https://essentialoilherocourse.teachable.com/courses/741799/lectures/13641305 2. Observe the "Introduction Video" section. **Expected Behavior:** The video is displayed. **Actual Behavior:** The video is not displayed. **Note:** 1. With ETP - Standard the issue is not reproducible. 2. Screenshot attached.
Bug 1770003 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**Environment:** Browser / Version: Firefox Nightly 102.0a1 (2022-05-18) Operating System: Windows 10 Pro **Prerequisites:** ETP - Strict enabled **Steps to Reproduce:** 1. Navigate https://essentialoilherocourse.teachable.com/courses/741799/lectures/13641305 2. Observe the "Introduction Video" section. **Expected Behavior:** The video is displayed. **Actual Behavior:** The video is not displayed. **Note:** 1. With ETP - Standard the issue is not reproducible. 2. Screenshot attached.