Bug 1770731 Comment 0 Edit History

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Once bug 1692468 is fixed web elements from WebDriver classic could be also shared by  WebDriver BiDi. To get this implemented we have to follow the BiDi specification around serialization of platform objects of type node: 


The following restrictions will apply to this bug so that we can better split the work into several bugs:

1. Start with the object itself and do not care about child nodes (maxDepth argument)
2. Do not add support for node details, and only include the `sharedId` reference
Once bug 1692468 is fixed web elements from WebDriver classic could be also shared by  WebDriver BiDi. To get this implemented we have to follow the BiDi specification around serialization of platform objects of type node: 


The following restrictions will apply to this bug so that we can better split the work into several bugs:

1. Start with the object itself and do not care about child nodes (maxDepth argument)
2. Do not add support for node details (will be done by bug 1770733)
3. Support the `sharedId` property

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