Here's a testcase to demonstrate that Chrome is simply not considering this span to be selectable at all (rather than e.g. doing some fancy heuristics to determine appropriate bounds for double-click-to-select operations). If you select-all in this testcase and copypaste, Firefox gets the hidden text "PASS" but Chrome does not.
Bug 1771501 Comment 6 Edit History
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Here's a testcase to demonstrate that Chrome is simply not considering this span to be selectable at all (rather than e.g. doing some fancy heuristics to determine appropriate bounds for double-click-to-select operations). If you select-all in this testcase and copypaste, Firefox copies the hidden text "PASS" but Chrome does not.
Here's a testcase to demonstrate that Chrome is simply not considering this element to be selectable at all (rather than e.g. doing some fancy heuristics to determine appropriate bounds for double-click-to-select operations). If you select-all in this testcase and copypaste, Firefox copies the hidden text "PASS" but Chrome does not.