Bug 1772339 Comment 0 Edit History

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User Story
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

Acceptance Criteria
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over 
2. Hover states text includes a brief description of the control action
3. Hover states keyboard shortcut information is displayed along . 

The following hover states are available in the PiP window on hover 
**Close button**
macOS: Close (cmd + w)
Win: Close (ctrl + w)

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (space)
Play (space)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

Volume on/ off
Mute (cmd + ↓)
Unmute (cmd + ↓)

Mute (ctrl + ↓)
Unmute (ctrl + ↓)
**User Story**
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

**Acceptance Criteria**
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over the currently available controls in PiP. 
2. Hover states text includes a brief description of the control action. 
3. Hover states keyboard shortcut information is displayed along . 

**The following hover states are available in the PiP window on hover**
**Close button**
macOS: Close (cmd + w)
Win: Close (ctrl + w)

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (space)
Play (space)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

Volume on/ off
Mute (cmd + ↓)
Unmute (cmd + ↓)

Mute (ctrl + ↓)
Unmute (ctrl + ↓)
**User Story**
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

**Acceptance Criteria**
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over the currently available controls in PiP. 
2. Hover states text includes a brief description of the control action. 
3. Hover states keyboard shortcut information is displayed along . 

**The following hover states are available in the PiP window on hover**
**Close button**
macOS: Close (cmd + w)
Win: Close (ctrl + w)

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (space)
Play (space)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

**Volume on/ off**
Mute (cmd + ↓)
Unmute (cmd + ↓)

Mute (ctrl + ↓)
Unmute (ctrl + ↓)
**User Story**
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

**Acceptance Criteria**
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over the currently available controls in PiP. 
2. Hover states text includes a brief description of the control action. 
3. Hover states keyboard shortcut information is displayed along . 

**The following hover states are available in the PiP window on hover**
**Close button**
macOS: Close (cmd + w)
Win: Close (ctrl + w)

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (space)
Play (space)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

**Volume on/ off**
Mute (cmd + ↓)
Unmute (cmd + ↓)

Mute (ctrl + ↓)
Unmute (ctrl + ↓)

**UnPiP button**
Back to tab
**User Story**
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

**Acceptance Criteria**
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over the currently available controls in PiP. 
2. Hover states text includes a brief description of the control action. 
3. Hover states text includes keyboard shortcut information in parenthesis () if the shortcut is available. 

**The following hover states are available in the PiP window on hover**
**Close button**
macOS: Close (cmd + w)
Win: Close (ctrl + w)

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (space)
Play (space)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

**Volume on/ off**
Mute (cmd + ↓)
Unmute (cmd + ↓)

Mute (ctrl + ↓)
Unmute (ctrl + ↓)

**UnPiP button**
Back to tab
**User Story**
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

**Acceptance Criteria**
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over the currently available controls in PiP. 
2. Hover state text includes a brief description of the control action. 
3. Hover state text includes keyboard shortcut information in parenthesis () if the shortcut is available. 

**The following hover states are available in the PiP window on hover**
**Close button**
macOS: Close (cmd + w)
Win: Close (ctrl + w)

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (space)
Play (space)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

**Volume on/ off**
Mute (cmd + ↓)
Unmute (cmd + ↓)

Mute (ctrl + ↓)
Unmute (ctrl + ↓)

**UnPiP button**
Back to tab
**User Story**
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

**Acceptance Criteria**
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over the currently available controls in PiP. 
2. Hover state text includes a brief description of the control action. 
3. Hover state text includes keyboard shortcut information in parenthesis () if the shortcut is available. 

**The following hover states are available in the PiP window on hover**
**Close button**
macOS: Close (cmd + w)
Win: Close (ctrl + w)

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (space)
Play (space)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

**Volume on/ off**
Mute (cmd + ↓)
Unmute (cmd + ↑)

Mute (ctrl + ↓)
Unmute (ctrl + ↑)

**UnPiP button**
Back to tab
**User Story**
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

**Acceptance Criteria**
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over the currently available controls in PiP. 
2. Hover state text includes a brief description of the control action. 
3. Hover state text includes keyboard shortcut information in parenthesis () if the shortcut is available. 

**The following hover states are available in the PiP window on hover**
**Close button**
macOS: Close (cmd + w)
Win: Close (ctrl + w)

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (space)
Play (space)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

**Volume on/ off**
Mute (cmd + ↓)
Unmute (cmd + ↑)

Mute (ctrl + ↓)
Unmute (ctrl + ↑)

**UnPiP button**
Back to tab

**This is just a reminder for the future PiP controls hover states**
Fullscreen (double click)

**Seek forward**
Forward (→)

**Seek backward**
Backward (←)
**User Story**
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

**Acceptance Criteria**
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over the currently available controls in PiP. 
2. Hover state text includes a brief description of the control action. 
3. Hover state text includes keyboard shortcut information in parenthesis () if the shortcut is available. 

**The following hover states are available in the PiP window on hover**
**Close button**
macOS: Close (cmd + w)
Windows and Linux: Close (ctrl + w)

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (space)
Play (space)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

**Volume on/ off**
Mute (cmd + ↓)
Unmute (cmd + ↑)

Windows and Linux 
Mute (ctrl + ↓)
Unmute (ctrl + ↑)

**UnPiP button**
Back to tab

**This is just a reminder for the future PiP controls hover states**
Fullscreen (double click)

**Seek forward**
Forward (→)

**Seek backward**
Backward (←)
**User Story**
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

**Acceptance Criteria**
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over the currently available controls in PiP. 
2. Hover state text includes a brief description of the control action. 
3. Hover state text includes keyboard shortcut information in parenthesis () if the shortcut is available. 

**The following hover states are available in the PiP window on hover**
**Close button**
macOS: Close (⌘ + w)
Windows and Linux: Close (ctrl + w)

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (space)
Play (space)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

**Volume on/ off**
Mute (⌘ + ↓)
Unmute (⌘ + ↑)

Windows and Linux 
Mute (ctrl + ↓)
Unmute (ctrl + ↑)

**UnPiP button**
Back to tab

**This is just a reminder for the future PiP controls hover states**
Fullscreen (double click)

**Seek forward**
Forward (→)

**Seek backward**
Backward (←)
**User Story**
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

**Acceptance Criteria**
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over the currently available controls in PiP. 
2. Hover state text includes a brief description of the control action. 
3. Hover state text includes keyboard shortcut information in parenthesis () if the shortcut is available. 

**Close button**
macOS: Close (⌘W)
Windows and Linux: Close (CtrlW)

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (Spacebar)
Play (Spacebar)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

**Volume on/ off**
Mute (⌘↓)
Unmute (⌘↑)

**Windows and Linux**
Mute (Ctrl↓)
Unmute (Ctrl↑)

**UnPiP button**
Back to tab


**This is just a reminder for the future PiP controls hover states**
Fullscreen (double click)

**Seek forward**
Forward (→)

Seek backward
Backward (←)
**User Story**
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

**Acceptance Criteria**
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over the currently available controls in PiP. 
2. Hover state text includes a brief description of the control action. 
3. Hover state text includes keyboard shortcut information in parenthesis () if the shortcut is available. 

**Close button**
macOS: Close (⌘W)
Windows and Linux: Close (Ctrl+W) - made the change here since Linux/Windows have different shortcuts display standards. 

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (Spacebar)
Play (Spacebar)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

**Volume on/ off**
Mute (⌘↓)
Unmute (⌘↑)

**Windows and Linux**
Mute (Ctrl+↓)
Unmute (Ctrl+↑) - made the change here since Linux/Windows have different shortcuts display standards. 

**UnPiP button**
Back to tab


**This is just a reminder for the future PiP controls hover states**
Fullscreen (double click)

**Seek forward**
Forward (→)

Seek backward
Backward (←)
**User Story**
As a user, I want to know that PiP playback controls are clickable with a mouse and what keyword shortcuts I can use instead of clicking them. 

**Acceptance Criteria**
1. Hover states are displayed upon hovering over the currently available controls in PiP. 
2. Hover state text includes a brief description of the control action. 

**Close button**
macOS: Close (⌘W)
Windows and Linux: Close (Ctrl+W) - made the change here since Linux/Windows have different shortcuts display standards. 

**Video Play / Pause button**
Pause (Spacebar)
Play (Spacebar)
The hover state changes according to the button state.

**Subtitles button**

**Volume on/ off**
Mute (⌘↓)
Unmute (⌘↑)

**Windows and Linux**
Mute (Ctrl+↓)
Unmute (Ctrl+↑) - made the change here since Linux/Windows have different shortcuts display standards. 

**UnPiP button**
Back to tab


**This is just a reminder for the future PiP controls hover states**
Fullscreen (double click)

**Seek forward**
Forward (→)

Seek backward
Backward (←)

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