Bug 1773900 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

We (which includes Ryan) decided several weeks back to use https://connect.mozilla.org/ as our venue for user submitted suggestions and ideas ... but then forgot about it except when working on the beta start page.

So for version 102 we should add https://connect.mozilla.org/ to Help and app menus. We can borrow Firefox's string  "Share Ideas and Feedback"?
We (which includes Ryan) decided several weeks back to use https://connect.mozilla.org/ as our venue for user submitted suggestions and ideas ... but then forgot about it except when working on the beta start page.

So for version 102 we should add https://connect.mozilla.org/ to Help menu bar and appmenu. We can borrow Firefox's string  "Share Ideas and Feedback"?

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