Bug 1774004 Comment 15 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Something is using `/api/downloads/missing/`. I looked at searchfox and github search and didn't see any scripts. Then I checked the logs and it's a Chrome user agent hitting the Downloads Missing page. The querystring looks like fuzzing. Then I noticed that you don't need to be logged in to see the Downloads Missing tab--it shows up for everyone. I think this is fuzzing traffic.

As a side note, getting rid of this page and traffic will be good because it's a slow page.

I verified the site status in the admin works and the navigation works on stage.
Something is using `/api/downloads/missing/`. I looked at searchfox and github search and didn't see any scripts. Then I checked the logs and it's a Chrome user agent hitting the Downloads Missing page. The querystring looks like fuzzing. Then I noticed that you don't need to be logged in to see the Downloads Missing tab--it shows up for everyone. I think this is fuzzing traffic.

As a side note, getting rid of this page and fuzzing traffic will be good because it's a slow page.

I verified the site status in the admin works and the navigation works on stage.

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