I'm using 102.0b8 under Windows 11Pro. I added a multiple identity to my Fastmail IMAP account that used plus addressing, with a 8bit character in the optional string. It was emoore+Ãx@fastmail.com When I tried to send a message using that From: address to my Gmail account I expected it to either send the message, or to get a error complaining about Fastmail not supported SMTPUTF8. Instead it did nothing other than close the window. No error, no message was sent, no saved copy in my Sent folder. I tried this three times in a row with the same results and then sent a message from my accounts main identity to the same recipient. That worked. The lack of a copy of the saved message is not a bug because I do enable Thunderbird saving a copy of the sent message. I use webmail settings to configure the SMTP server to do that when using a email client for specific From: addresses. The multiple identity is not one of them. Thunderbird should never silently fail to send a message.
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I'm using 102.0b8 under Windows 11Pro. I added a multiple identity to my Fastmail IMAP account that used plus addressing, with a 8bit character in the optional string. It was emoore+Ãx@fastmail.com When I tried to send a message using that From: address to my Gmail account I expected it to either send the message, or to get a error complaining about Fastmail not supported SMTPUTF8. Instead it did nothing other than close the window. No error, no message was sent, no saved copy in my Sent folder. I tried this three times in a row with the same results and then sent a message from my accounts main identity to the same recipient. That worked. The lack of a copy of the saved message is not a bug because I don't enable Thunderbird saving a copy of the sent message. I use webmail settings to configure the SMTP server to do that when using a email client for specific From: addresses. The multiple identity is not one of them. Thunderbird should never silently fail to send a message.