The new supernova icons (bug 1768505) do not seem appropriate for high contrast mode (usually set in the operating system's accessibility settings). 1. They use two colors: stroke and fill (not including the background color provided by the element underneath the icon). Normally for high contrast, you just want a single color. 2. They have thin strokes and small details. I don't think we could just adjust the CSS stroke and fill of the current icons to get them to work for high contrast because they have been designed around the use of a fill and thin strokes. I think they need to be designed specifically for high contrast. For 102 esr, we could temporarily use old icons for high contrast because they were more basic and had thicker strokes.
Bug 1776660 Comment 0 Edit History
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The new supernova icons (bug 1768505) do not seem appropriate for high contrast mode (usually set in the operating system's accessibility settings). 1. They use two colors: stroke and fill (not including the background color provided by the element underneath the icon). Normally high contrast uses a single color. 2. They have thin strokes and small details. I don't think we could just adjust the CSS stroke and fill of the current icons to get them to work for high contrast because they have been designed around the use of a fill and thin strokes. I think they need to be designed specifically for high contrast. For 102 esr, we could temporarily use old icons for high contrast because they were more basic and had thicker strokes.
The new supernova icons (bug 1768505) do not seem appropriate for high contrast mode (usually set in the operating system's accessibility settings). 1. They use two colors: stroke and fill (not including the background color provided by the element underneath the icon). Normally high contrast uses a single color. 2. They have thin strokes and small details. I don't think we could just adjust the CSS stroke and fill of the current icons to get them to work for high contrast because they have been designed around the use of a fill and thin strokes. I think we need icons designed specifically for high contrast. For 102 esr, we could temporarily use old icons for high contrast because they were more basic and had thicker strokes.