(With the default overlay-scrollbars configuration, I think the scrollbar track is unintentionally too bright when you just hover the track, too. On about:newtab, the track appears when you hover it, but it's *extremely* subtle -- nearly the same color as the surrounding background. And the same is true at e.g. this bugzilla page here.)
Bug 1777135 Comment 4 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
(side note: with the default overlay-scrollbars configuration, I think the scrollbar track is unintentionally too bright when you just hover the track, too. On about:newtab, the hovered track is *extremely* subtle -- nearly the same color as the surrounding background. And the same is true at e.g. this bugzilla page here.)