(In reply to Alessandro Castellani [:aleca] from comment #1) > **When will this be fixed:** > - In the upcoming months, but not uplifted to 102. > - The goal is to create 1 dynamic toolbar that changes its buttons based on the tab (mail, calendar, etc) > - Having 1 toolbar will allow us to move it outside the tab content, and being in the same container of the titlebar and tabbar, therefore using the same background image without repetition. thanks for the detailed reply. IIt's unfortunate that this cannot be fixed with in this ESR period, having broken themes like this for a whole year looks very unprofessional... I am still hoping that I can inject my custom toolbar (QuickFolders) for the main UI for another ESR period. Having a toolbar for favorite tabs works like a dream for many of my users: https://i.imgur.com/4ZrZ8dF.png
Bug 1777676 Comment 2 Edit History
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(In reply to Alessandro Castellani [:aleca] from comment #1) > **When will this be fixed:** > - In the upcoming months, but not uplifted to 102. > - The goal is to create 1 dynamic toolbar that changes its buttons based on the tab (mail, calendar, etc) > - Having 1 toolbar will allow us to move it outside the tab content, and being in the same container of the titlebar and tabbar, therefore using the same background image without repetition. thanks for the detailed reply. IIt's unfortunate that this cannot be fixed with in this ESR period, having broken themes like this for a whole year looks very unprofessional... I am still hoping that I can inject my custom toolbar (QuickFolders) for the main UI for another ESR period. Having my own custom toolbar for favorite tabs works like a dream for many of my users: https://i.imgur.com/4ZrZ8dF.png