As far as I know, the plan is for this to ride Fx116 to release, not attempt a mid-cycle uplift which would require a lot more overhead. Adding the ESR115 approval request, though, since we are going to need to get it there too for 115.1esr.
Bug 1782561 Comment 15 Edit History
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As far as I know, the plan is for this to ride Fx116 to release, not attempt a mid-cycle uplift which would require a lot more overhead. Adding the ESR approval requests, though, since we are going to need to get it there too for 102.14esr & 115.1esr shipping alongside Fx116.
As far as I know, the plan is for this to ride Fx116 to release, not attempt a mid-cycle dot release uplift which would require a lot more overhead. Adding the ESR approval requests, though, since we are going to need to get it there too for 102.14esr & 115.1esr shipping alongside Fx116.