This gets us broadly to what comment 0 proposed; batch-render processes search-files. Much more detail in all the bull requests. Next PRs are minor to switch over the help.html and search.html templating which is mainly just wrapping them in the boilerplate. I am not going to remove the JS templating code in this bug, and will leave the invocations commented out in `` so that if someone wants to do any A/B testing locally with the old version, they can do so, noting that it may be appropriate to comment out the "checks" mechanism if doing that since the checks will complain about some of the HTML expectation ("insta") checks.
Bug 1783761 Comment 6 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
This gets us broadly to what comment 0 proposed; batch-render processes search-files. Much more detail in all the pull requests. Next PRs are minor to switch over the help.html and search.html templating which is mainly just wrapping them in the boilerplate. I am not going to remove the JS templating code in this bug, and will leave the invocations commented out in `` so that if someone wants to do any A/B testing locally with the old version, they can do so, noting that it may be appropriate to comment out the "checks" mechanism if doing that since the checks will complain about some of the HTML expectation ("insta") checks.