It looks like the most recent schemas commit introduced some new pings: `attribution` and `tracking-pixel`, and I'm guessing that `meta-pixel` is replaced by the later. However, the `meta-pixel` schema still exists and missing is `metrics.uuid.rally_id` and therefore BQ schemas deploys are still broken in stage. The main options are to delete the `meta-pixel` ping or to update it to include `metrics.uuid.rally_id` before we can proceed with a production deployment.
Bug 1783960 Comment 19 Edit History
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It looks like the most recent schemas commit introduced some new pings: `attribution` and `tracking-pixel`, and I'm guessing that `meta-pixel` is replaced by the later. However, the `meta-pixel` schema still exists and is missing `metrics.uuid.rally_id` and therefore BQ schemas deploys are still broken in stage. The main options are to delete the `meta-pixel` ping or to update it to include `metrics.uuid.rally_id` before we can proceed with a production deployment.