Hi Anna, sorry for the delayed ping. I thought I was able to reproduce the voice over issue (specifically on Windows OS) but I'm unable to reproduce the issue with VO. I might be lacking some understanding with using NVDA but when I enable the narrator (Control + Alt + N) and let it auto read through about:firefoxview with the feature callout rendered, it reads through the content once and in the following order: tab pickup section > feature callout > colorways aside > recently closed section If you don't mind, could you share reproduction steps specifically with NVDA and anything else you might think would be helpful in debugging!
Bug 1790382 Comment 14 Edit History
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Hi Anna, sorry for the delayed ping. I thought I was able to reproduce the voice over issue (specifically on Windows OS) but I'm apparently unable to reproduce the issue. I might be lacking some understanding with using NVDA but when I enable the narrator (Control + Alt + N) and let it auto read through about:firefoxview with the feature callout rendered, it reads through the content once and in the following order: tab pickup section > feature callout > colorways aside > recently closed section If you don't mind, could you share reproduction steps specifically with NVDA and anything else you might think would be helpful in debugging!
Hi Anna, sorry for the delayed ping. I thought I was able to reproduce the voice over issue (specifically on Windows OS) but I'm apparently unable to reproduce the issue. I might be lacking some understanding with using NVDA but when I enable the narrator (Control + Alt + N) and let it auto read through about:firefoxview with the feature callout rendered, it reads through the content once and in the following order: tab pickup section > feature callout > colorways aside > recently closed section If you don't mind, could you share reproduction steps specifically with NVDA and anything else you might think would be helpful in debugging! I tried going through the steps manually using insert + down arrow but that didn't highlight any issues (unless I'm going about it wrong!)