I have managed to reproduce a tab crash by loading the loader.html test case attached in an asan build on Ubuntu 22 in an affected asan Nightly v108.0a1 from 2022-10-25. I have to mention that this issue is intermittent. It occurs in about 5/10 reloads/retries. Furthermore, I can confirm that the issue no longer occurs on Nightly v108.0a1 and Beta v107.0 in more than 10 tries. Leaving the general bug status as FIXED until the fix is pushed and verified on the ESR102 channel as well. Thanks!
Bug 1791314 Comment 32 Edit History
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I have managed to reproduce a tab crash by loading the loader.html test case attached in an asan build on Ubuntu 22 in an affected asan Nightly v108.0a1 from 2022-10-25. I have to mention that this issue is intermittent. It occurs in about 5/10 reloads/retries. Furthermore, I can confirm that the issue no longer occurs on Nightly v108.0a1 and Beta v107.0 (20221107141014) in more than 10 tries. Leaving the general bug status as FIXED until the fix is pushed and verified on the ESR102 channel as well. Thanks!