**Found in** * Firefox 107.0a1 (BuildId:20221002212226) **Affected versions** * Firefox 107.0a1 (BuildId:20221002212226) * Firefox 106.0b7 (BuildId:20221002185807) * Firefox 105.0.1 (BuildId:20220922151854) **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 10 64bit with NVDA * Unaffected platforms: macOS 11 (with VoiceOver) & Ubuntu 22.04 (with ORCA) **Preconditions** * Enable `accessibility.cache.enabled` pref * Launch NVDA **Steps to reproduce** 1. Access the https://www.digi24.ro/ webpage. 2. Hit the tab keyboard button a couple of times and scroll the page up and down. (Sometimes this step is not necessary because the freeze occurs immediately after the page loads) **Expected result** * No freeze is encountered. **Actual result** * Firefox freezes and becomes unusable. **Regression range** * If this is a regression this is not a recent one. Will try to confirm possible regressions range using mozregression as soon as time permits.
Bug 1793408 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**Found in** * Firefox 107.0a1 (BuildId:20221002212226) **Preconditions** * Enable `accessibility.cache.enabled` pref * Launch NVDA **Details** We have encountered multiple websites which are causing Firefox to freeze and become unusable while having the `accessibility.cache.enabled` pref and NVDA enabled. We are drafting a list of websites (with additional details) in which we spotted this freeze: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/112-Qrob80pKrte7D8uHZlWAA3i8PgfrkCngdBuD4ZPU/edit?usp=sharing **Expected result** * No freeze is encountered. **Actual result** * Firefox freezes and becomes unusable.
**Found in** * Firefox 107.0a1 **Preconditions** * Enable `accessibility.cache.enabled` pref * Launch NVDA **Details** We have encountered multiple websites which are causing Firefox to freeze and become unusable while having the `accessibility.cache.enabled` pref and NVDA enabled. We are drafting a list of websites (with additional details) in which we spotted this freeze: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/112-Qrob80pKrte7D8uHZlWAA3i8PgfrkCngdBuD4ZPU/edit?usp=sharing **Expected result** * No freeze is encountered. **Actual result** * Firefox freezes and becomes unusable.