Bug 1793410 Comment 14 Edit History

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Now that we've got the bits changed in the assertion message (per emilio's tweak), we have a tad more info here.  I can see the bits by adding the "Moz crash reason raw" column in the crash reports listing.
The bits in question are in this struct:
pub struct ElementState: u64 {

Looks like the changed-bits values are all one of the following:
* 140737488355328 (aka `1<<47` which is `VALUE_EMPTY`) -- this is the most common right now, FWIW.
* 4 (aka `1<<2` which is `HOVER`)
* 3072 (aka `1<<10` | `1<<11` which is `VALID` and `INVALID`)
* 15360 (aka bits 10, 11, 12, 13 which is `VALID`, `INVALID`, `USER_VALID`, and `USER_INVALID`)
Now that we've got the bits changed in the assertion message (per emilio's tweak), we have a tad more info here.  I can see the bits by adding the "Moz crash reason raw" column in the crash reports listing.
The names for these bits are in this struct definition:
pub struct ElementState: u64 {

Looks like the changed-bits values are all one of the following:
* 140737488355328 (aka `1<<47` which is `VALUE_EMPTY`) -- this is the most common right now, FWIW.
* 4 (aka `1<<2` which is `HOVER`)
* 3072 (aka `1<<10` | `1<<11` which is `VALID` and `INVALID`)
* 15360 (aka bits 10, 11, 12, 13 which is `VALID`, `INVALID`, `USER_VALID`, and `USER_INVALID`)
Now that we've got the bits changed in the assertion message (per emilio's tweak), we have a tad more info here.  I can see the bits by adding the "Moz crash reason raw" column in the crash reports listing.
The names for these bits are in this struct definition:
pub struct ElementState: u64 {

In the last week of crash data, it looks like the changed-bits values are all one of the following:
* 140737488355328 (aka `1<<47` which is `VALUE_EMPTY`) -- this is the most common right now, FWIW.
* 4 (aka `1<<2` which is `HOVER`)
* 3072 (aka `1<<10` | `1<<11` which is `VALID` and `INVALID`)
* 15360 (aka bits 10, 11, 12, 13 which is `VALID`, `INVALID`, `USER_VALID`, and `USER_INVALID`)
Now that we've got the bits changed in the assertion message (per emilio's tweak), we have a tad more info here.  I can see the bits by adding the "Moz crash reason raw" column in the crash reports listing.
The names for these bits are in this struct definition:
pub struct ElementState: u64 {

In the last week of crash data, it looks like the changed-bits values are all one of the following:
* 140737488355328 (aka `1<<47` which is `VALUE_EMPTY`) -- this is the most common right now, FWIW.
* 4 (aka `1<<2` which is `HOVER`)
* 3072 (aka `1<<10 | 1<<11` which is `VALID` and `INVALID`)
* 15360 (aka bits 10, 11, 12, 13 which is `VALID`, `INVALID`, `USER_VALID`, and `USER_INVALID`)
Now that we've got the bits changed in the assertion message (per emilio's tweak), we have a tad more info here.  I can see the bits by adding the "Moz crash reason raw" column in the crash reports listing.
The names for these bits are in this struct definition:
pub struct ElementState: u64 {

In the last week of crash data, it looks like the changed-bits values are all one of the following:
* 140737488355328 (aka `1u64<<47` which is `VALUE_EMPTY`) -- this is the most common right now, FWIW.
* 4 (aka `1<<2` which is `HOVER`)
* 3072 (aka `1<<10 | 1<<11` which is `VALID` and `INVALID`)
* 15360 (aka bits 10, 11, 12, 13 which is `VALID`, `INVALID`, `USER_VALID`, and `USER_INVALID`)

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