**Found in** * 107.0a1 (20221016093143) **Affected versions** * 107.0a1 (20221016093143) * 106.0 **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, Ubuntu 20.04, macOS 10.15 * Unaffected platforms: none **Steps to reproduce** 1. Sign in with a FxA account to sync between devices. 2. Move the Firefox view button to the Toolbar from the Customize menu. 3. Change the Firefox theme to Dark. 3. Open some tabs on a device and wait for the notification dot for the available pick-up tab pages to be displayed on the other device. 4. After the notification dot is displayed hover over the Firefox View button. **Expected result** * The notification dot is displayed on hover. **Actual result** * The notification dor disappears on hover. **Regression range** * Not a regression. This happens to start with bug 1774397 when the notification dot was implemented. **Additional notes** * Attached a screen recording of the issue. * The issue does not reproduce if the Firefox View button is placed on tab area or Overlow menu.
Bug 1795618 Comment 0 Edit History
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**Found in** * 107.0a1 (20221016093143) **Affected versions** * 107.0a1 (20221016093143) * 106.0 **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, Ubuntu 20.04, macOS 10.15 * Unaffected platforms: none **Steps to reproduce** 1. Sign in with a FxA account to sync between devices. 2. Move the Firefox view button to the Toolbar from the Customize menu. 3. Change the Firefox theme to Dark. 3. Open some tabs on a device and wait for the notification dot for the available pick-up tab pages to be displayed on the other device. 4. After the notification dot is displayed hover over the Firefox View button. **Expected result** * The notification dot is displayed on hover. **Actual result** * The notification dot disappears on hover. **Regression range** * Not a regression. This happens to start with bug 1774397 when the notification dot was implemented. **Additional notes** * Attached a screen recording of the issue. * The issue does not reproduce if the Firefox View button is placed on tab area or Overlow menu.