Bug 1798074 Comment 13 Edit History

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I can get a decent increase in commit by playing a youtube video and a twitch stream at the same time (+300MiB) along with +3GiB of shared GPU memory reported on Task Manager - Details mode.

My guess is that ublock origin may be causing youtube to leak js objects for some RPCs that never complete, as I have seen that happen before, which can cause a rather rapid increase in commit I think.

Troubleshooting - you might want to try toggling it off only for youtube and see what happens to commit, as it may be that issue, if so at least it can be narrowed down a bit.
I can get a decent increase in commit by playing a youtube video and a twitch stream at the same time (+300MiB) along with +3GiB of shared GPU memory reported on Task Manager - Details mode.

My guess is that ublock origin may be causing youtube to leak js objects for some RPCs that never complete, as I have seen that happen before, which can cause a rather rapid increase in commit I think, though I can't repro that leak when I try currently, it may be an issue of that nature.

Troubleshooting - you might want to try toggling it off only for youtube and see what happens to commit, as it may be that issue, if so at least it can be narrowed down a bit.

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