Bug 1799216 Comment 17 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Reproduced this issue on an affected Nightly build from 2022-11-04, on Win 10 and Ubuntu 21.04.
Reproduced this issue on an affected Nightly build from 2022-11-04, on Win 10 and Ubuntu 21.04.
Verified as fixed on 108.0a1 (20221107212933) on Win 10, Ubuntu 21.04 and macOS 10.13.
Reproduced this issue on an affected Nightly build from 2022-11-04, on Win 10 and Ubuntu 21.04.
Verified as fixed on 108.0a1 (20221107212933) on Win 10, Ubuntu 21.04 and macOS 10.13.

Leaving the qe-verify+ flag until this gets verified in beta as well.

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