Reproduced the bug as observed in screenshot from description, on Beta 108.0b2 on Windows 10. Also, on affected build, there are no changes on colors when set gfx.color_management.mode = 1 (default is 2). I can confirm that bug is fixed on Beta 108.0b2 and latest Nightly build ID 20221122094606, on Windows 10.
Bug 1799391 Comment 18 Edit History
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Reproduced the bug as observed in screenshot from description, on Beta 108.0b2 on Windows 10. Also, on affected build, there are no changes on colors when set gfx.color_management.mode = 1 (default is 2). I can confirm that bug is fixed on Beta 108.0b5 and latest Nightly build ID 20221122094606, on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04 x64