Bug 1799460 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

**Found in**
* 108.0a1 (2022-11-07)

**Affected versions**
* 108.0a1 (2022-11-07)

**Tested platforms**
* Affected platforms: Windows 7, Windows 10
* Unaffected platforms: macOS 12, Ubuntu 20

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Enable high contrast mode
2. Launch Firefox and open the toolbar context menu
3. Go to the Bookmarks Toolbar submenu

**Expected result**
* Toolbar context menu items should be displayed correctly.

**Actual result**
* "Bookmarks Toolbar", "Only Show on New Tab" and "Never Show" options are not completely displayed.

**Regression range**
* First bad: aa325161aae5e555cab4d44b6662bbe029d26a5d
* Last good: 4ff88d45f59c4357dcc71ddf4ad5344a38f9944d
* Pushlog: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=2815b08bfbd2f4abecf1e356461c0e2fc36bc025&tochange=fcb08a86da33aafb6527a040f598ce802d2d7a69
* Potentially regressed by: 1795199
**Found in**
* 108.0a1 (2022-11-07)

**Affected versions**
* 108.0a1 (2022-11-07)

**Tested platforms**
* Affected platforms: Windows 7, Windows 10
* Unaffected platforms: macOS 12, Ubuntu 20

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Enable high contrast mode.
2. Launch Firefox and open the toolbar context menu.
3. Go to the Bookmarks Toolbar submenu.

**Expected result**
* Toolbar context menu items should be displayed correctly.

**Actual result**
* "Bookmarks Toolbar", "Only Show on New Tab" and "Never Show" options are not completely displayed.

**Regression range**
* First bad: aa325161aae5e555cab4d44b6662bbe029d26a5d
* Last good: 4ff88d45f59c4357dcc71ddf4ad5344a38f9944d
* Pushlog: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=2815b08bfbd2f4abecf1e356461c0e2fc36bc025&tochange=fcb08a86da33aafb6527a040f598ce802d2d7a69
* Potentially regressed by: 1795199

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