Bug 1799714 Comment 0 Edit History

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Coming from Bug 458635, I'm very happy to see that in TB 102, keyboard access to the message header in message reader has been much improved - thanks to Alex and UX devs!
- As I suggested 13 years ago in my Bug 458635 Comment 6, we have reduced the number of tab stops in the recipient fields from 2 per recipient (name and star) to 1 per recipient, so for a message with 50 recipients, that's 25 tab stops less - awesome!
- As I suggested 14 years ago in my Bug 470659, pressing `Enter` on a focused recipient item finally does something useful (currently opens the context menu).

That said, eventually we may still want to improve the `Tab` navigation UX/accessibility of the area.


- As a keyboard access dependent user (e.g. blind person with screen reader), read a message with 50, 100, or more recipients.
- Use `Tab` with an intention of navigating through message header, e.g. to reach `Subject` for copying.

Actual result

- Need to press `Tab` 50, 100 or more times to navigate past the recipients list and reach subject.
- Iow, keyboard navigation via tab (e.g. to the subject field) may still be seriously impeded because the number of tab stops equals the number of recipients, which may be a lot (50, 100, or more).

Expected result

- Don't include tab stops for a large/unlimited number of similar, grouped elements in the page tab sequence.
- Follow the applicable [pattern of ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG) for grids](https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/grid/):
  - Within the page tab sequence: Single tab stop on only one element inside the grid (each first To/CC/BCC recipient)
  - Navigate the focusable elements inside the grid (all other recipients) using directional navigation keys such as arrow keys, `Home`, and `End`.
Coming from Bug 458635, I'm very happy to see that in TB 102, keyboard access to the message header in message reader has been much improved - thanks to Alex and UX devs!
- As I suggested 13 years ago in my Bug 458635 Comment 6, we have reduced the number of tab stops in the recipient fields from 2 per recipient (name and star) to 1 per recipient, so for a message with 50 recipients, that's 25 tab stops less - awesome!
- As I suggested 14 years ago in my Bug 470659, pressing `Enter` on a focused recipient item finally does something useful (currently opens the context menu).

That said, eventually we may still want to improve the `Tab` navigation UX/accessibility of the area.


- As a keyboard access dependent user (e.g. blind person with screen reader), read a message with 50, 100, or more recipients.
- Use `Tab` with an intention of navigating through message header, e.g. to reach `Subject` for copying.

Actual result

- Need to press `Tab` 50, 100 or more times to navigate past the recipients list and reach subject.
- Iow, keyboard navigation via tab (e.g. to the subject field) may still be seriously impeded because the number of tab stops equals the number of recipients, which may be a lot.

Expected result

- Don't include tab stops for a large/unlimited number of similar, grouped elements in the page tab sequence.
- Follow the applicable [pattern of ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG) for grids](https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/grid/):
  - Within the page tab sequence: Single tab stop on only one element inside the grid (each first To/CC/BCC recipient)
  - Navigate the focusable elements inside the grid (all other recipients) using directional navigation keys such as arrow keys, `Home`, and `End`.

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