(In reply to gene smith from comment #32) > - To make sure the disk cache is working, after you open a new email do you see the email file (headers and all) appears as a file at ```C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\Thunderbird\Profiles\<your tb profile name>\cache2\entries\```? The file names there are just random strings like ```75932619EF73507171805CD812C60C0C6D15D512```. TB normally puts other things there too so all the files won't be email files. Yes. Shouldn't such entries be stored within the account storage instead? Something like \<your name>\AppData\Local\Thunderbird\Profiles\<your tb profile name>\ImapMail\<your impa server hostname>\cache2\entries\ > - Under TB settings, General, Network & Disk Space, Disk Space do you see the checkbox "Clear Cache on Shutdown"? I can see the option but it is unticked... I would have expected this option to be ticked by default for security reason especially considering that I unticked "Keep message for all folders of this account on this computer" within the Accounts Settings > Synchronisation and Storage!
Bug 1805186 Comment 34 Edit History
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(In reply to gene smith from comment #32) > - To make sure the disk cache is working, after you open a new email do you see the email file (headers and all) appears as a file at ```C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\Thunderbird\Profiles\<your tb profile name>\cache2\entries\```? The file names there are just random strings like ```75932619EF73507171805CD812C60C0C6D15D512```. TB normally puts other things there too so all the files won't be email files. Yes. Shouldn't such entries be stored within the account storage instead? Something like \<your name>\AppData\Local\Thunderbird\Profiles\<your tb profile name>\ImapMail\<your imap server hostname>\cache2\entries\ > - Under TB settings, General, Network & Disk Space, Disk Space do you see the checkbox "Clear Cache on Shutdown"? I can see the option but it is unticked... I would have expected this option to be ticked by default for security reason especially considering that I unticked "Keep message for all folders of this account on this computer" within the Accounts Settings > Synchronisation and Storage!