Thanks Arthur. Confirming for Beta 109.0b4 (64-bit), Win10m, and Daily 110.0a1 (2023-01-09) (64-bit). Not seen on Release 102.6.1 (64-bit) -> regression. Redirecting `Dismiss` to the location link URL makes for a pretty bad reminder experience for everyday scenarios like Zoom invites, in addition to all the other reminder issues which we have... should fix this asap. Alice, would you be in the mood for finding the regression window?
Bug 1809491 Comment 2 Edit History
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Thanks Arthur. Confirming for Beta 109.0b4 (64-bit), Win10m, and Daily 110.0a1 (2023-01-09) (64-bit). Not seen on Release 102.6.1 (64-bit) which still has overflow handling with ellipsis -> regression. Redirecting `Dismiss` to the location link URL makes for a pretty bad reminder experience for everyday scenarios like Zoom invites, in addition to all the other reminder issues which we have... should fix this asap. Alice, would you be in the mood for finding the regression window?