For comparison, here's a screenshot of how this actually looks when I view the article in Firefox vs. Chrome. A bunch of words end up looking "bumpy" on the bottom in Firefox vs. "flat/aligned" in Chrome, due to this behavior difference. E.g. "and", "that", "is", etc. (any word with a mix of bumpy-bottom & flat-bottom characters)
Bug 1818837 Comment 8 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
For comparison, here's a screenshot of how this actually looks when I view the article in Firefox vs. Chrome. A bunch of words end up looking "bumpy" on the bottom in Firefox vs. "flat/aligned" in Chrome, due to this behavior difference. E.g. "and", "that", "is", etc. (any word with a mix of curvy-bottom & flat-bottom characters)