Hi Meera, Regarding your questions: --- > "does that mean we just use querySelectorAll() to get all the nodes with attributes all at ones (of the whole page/document), iterate through the list of nodes, get the required attributes, translate and set those attributes in the document with the translations in one go?" Yes, that is the approach we want to take here, rather than trying to gather all of the nodes in the tree walking process, we can just select them and have it be a separate step of the translations algorithm that works alongside the tree-walking solution. --- > "Does “hg update -C central” get the latest code from central?" I'm really not sure about this one. I use git, not Mercurial, and I've never used Mercurial. I did a quick Google search and found this [article](https://medium.com/@prathikshagprasad/a-beginners-guide-to-mercurial-for-firefox-development-c17094c72c16). I don't know how accurate it is. In fact, I believe as of November 6, it is now [public information](https://groups.google.com/a/mozilla.org/g/firefox-dev/c/QnfydsDj48o/m/8WadV0_dBQAJ) that Mozilla is moving entirely from supporting both Mercurial and git, to only supporting git. --- I hope that answers all of the open questions!
Bug 1819205 Comment 44 Edit History
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Hi Meera, Regarding your questions: --- > "does that mean we just use querySelectorAll() to get all the nodes with attributes all at ones (of the whole page/document), iterate through the list of nodes, get the required attributes, translate and set those attributes in the document with the translations in one go?" Yes, that is the approach we want to take here, rather than trying to gather all of the nodes in the tree walking process, we can just select them and have it be a separate step of the translations algorithm that works alongside the tree-walking solution. --- > "Does “hg update -C central” get the latest code from central?" I'm really not sure about this one. I use git, not Mercurial, and I've never used Mercurial. I did a quick Google search and found this [article](https://medium.com/@prathikshagprasad/a-beginners-guide-to-mercurial-for-firefox-development-c17094c72c16). I don't know how accurate it is. In fact, I believe as of November 6, it is now [public information](https://groups.google.com/a/mozilla.org/g/firefox-dev/c/QnfydsDj48o/m/8WadV0_dBQAJ) that Mozilla is moving entirely from supporting both Mercurial and git, to only supporting git. This process will take some time, however, so if you really like Mercurial you can certainly keep using it for the time being. --- I hope that answers all of the open questions!