(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #3) > On WPT.fyi dashboard, the differing pixels are all `RGB(0, 127, 0)` in the testcase vs. `RGB(0, 128, 0)` in the reference case. So it's not exactly that red pixels are showing through, but rather that we're picking up a slight lack-of-color when compositing together this antialiased fringe with the (green) pixels below it. (Or maybe this is a pixel from the outer edge of the red diamond's antialiasing fringe, where we're like *almost* entirely green, and the teensy amount of redness gets rounded down to 0 in the red color channel, but has enough of an impact to also round down the green color channel from 128 to 127.)
Bug 1824242 Comment 4 Edit History
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(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #3) > On WPT.fyi dashboard, the differing pixels are all `RGB(0, 127, 0)` in the testcase vs. `RGB(0, 128, 0)` in the reference case. So it's not exactly that red pixels are showing through, but rather that we're picking up a slight lack-of-color when compositing together this antialiased fringe with the (green) pixels below it. (Or maybe this is a pixel from the outer edge of the red diamond's antialiasing fringe that doesn't entirely get covered up, where we're like *almost* entirely green, and the teensy amount of redness gets rounded down to 0 in the red color channel, but has enough of an impact to also round down the green color channel from 128 to 127.)