## Product **Choose one below and delete others** Firefox Firefox for Android Firefox for iOS Firefox Focus / Klar Hubs MDN Monitor Mozilla VPN Pocket Relay New Product Other ## Select the type of request **Choose one below and delete others** New product addition to SUMO New feature or functionality Minor update to existing feature/functionality Major update to existing feature/functionality Small change to existing article ##What product version number does this change align with? [REQUIRED] ##What is the anticipated release date? [REQUIRED] ##What is the proposed deadline for the content to be published? [REQUIRED] ## Please include any related JIRA/Github/Bugzilla tickets, documentation, demos or practical use cases. [REQUIRED] ## Please add instructions for testing or links to any design assets or visuals. [REQUIRED] ## Does the content need to be localized in any languages outside of our priority locales (yes or no)? **Note: Minimum of 10 days required for translation requests** ## Does the content require legal review (yes or no)? ## Is the content embargoed (yes or no)?
Bug 1825062 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
## Product Firefox - Desktop only change ## Select the type of request Major update to existing feature/functionality Small change to existing article ##What product version number does this change align with? [REQUIRED] 114 and 115 Please see the breakdown of released updates to the import experience by Firefox version [here](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FPS/pages/174292993/Data+Import+2.0+Project+Charter#Firefox-114-115-Scope) ##What is the anticipated release date? [REQUIRED] 114 - 2023-06-06 115 - 2023-07-04 ##What is the proposed deadline for the content to be published? [REQUIRED] 2023-07-01 ## Please include any related JIRA/Github/Bugzilla tickets, documentation, demos or practical use cases. [REQUIRED] [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1788748) [Demo](https://mozilla.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=77fa06ab-5b20-4975-aac0-afd300e8cacb) - the demo shows both variants of the import wizard You can also see both new variants of the import wizard in Nightly by flipping one of the prefs to true: *browser.migrate.content-modal.enabled* pref in about:config to see Variant 1. *browser.migrate.content-modal.import-all.enabled* pref to see Variant 2 (you have to flip the above pref to false, too) ## Please add instructions for testing or links to any design assets or visuals. [REQUIRED] ## Does the content need to be localized in any languages outside of our priority locales (yes or no)? **Note: Minimum of 10 days required for translation requests** Yes ## Does the content require legal review (yes or no)? No ## Is the content embargoed (yes or no)? No
## Product Firefox - Desktop only change ## Select the type of request Major update to existing feature/functionality Small change to existing article ## What product version number does this change align with? [REQUIRED] 114 and 115 Please see the breakdown of released updates to the import experience by Firefox version [here](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FPS/pages/174292993/Data+Import+2.0+Project+Charter#Firefox-114-115-Scope) *114 articles* [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-google-chrome](import-bookmarks-google-chrome) 1. We are currently promoting Library entry point to import, but need to promote a new primary entry point into import [from about:preferences](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=1-16690&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. The list of supported data types has changed and needs to be updated. New wizard will support the following data types: - browsing history, - bookmarks, - payment methods, - saved logins and passwords, - form autofill data - from 115 and forward **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser](import-data-another-browser)** 1. We need to promote about:preferences entry point. 2. UI screenshots need to change to reflect the new wizard design. 3. Import bookmarks from the HTML section will need an update in 115 once we ship import from HTML inside the import wizard. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/importing-safari-data-firefox](importing-safari-data-firefox)** 1. We no longer need full access to import data from Safari (although users might still do it). I think it would be more valuable to describe the [new Safari import flow](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8745&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0) instead. Especially, since it now prompts users to bring bookmarks AND passwords from Safari. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge](import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge)** 1. The article needs a full update that describes the new flow and promotes the primary entry point in about:preferences. **115 articles** **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-html-file](import-bookmarks-html-file)** 1. Import bookmarks from file is now available directly from the import wizard - [please see the new flow here](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. We should promote about:preferences entry point. [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-ie-favorites-other-computer](import-ie-favorites-other-computer) 1. Importing bookmarks into Firefox section needs to be updated according to the new [bookmarks HTML file import](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). ## What is the anticipated release date? [REQUIRED] 114 - 2023-06-06 115 - 2023-07-04 ## What is the proposed deadline for the content to be published? [REQUIRED] 2023-07-01 In 114, we will launch the new wizard as an experiment to select a better performing option between [Variant 1](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) and [Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) of the new wizard. I'm not sure how to best handle this situation in SUMO since in June there would be users exposed to the old import wizard and both variants. ## Please include any related JIRA/Github/Bugzilla tickets, documentation, demos or practical use cases. [REQUIRED] [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) - variant 1 [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1788748) [Demo](https://mozilla.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=77fa06ab-5b20-4975-aac0-afd300e8cacb) - the demo shows both variants of the import wizard You can also see both new variants of the import wizard in Nightly by flipping one of the prefs to true: *browser.migrate.content-modal.enabled* pref in about:config to see Variant 1. *browser.migrate.content-modal.import-all.enabled* pref to see Variant 2 (you have to flip the above pref to false, too) ## Please add instructions for testing or links to any design assets or visuals. [REQUIRED] ## Does the content need to be localized in any languages outside of our priority locales (yes or no)? **Note: Minimum of 10 days required for translation requests** Yes ## Does the content require legal review (yes or no)? No ## Is the content embargoed (yes or no)? No
## Product Firefox - Desktop only change ## Select the type of request Major update to existing feature/functionality Small change to existing article ## What product version number does this change align with? [REQUIRED] 114 and 115 Please see the breakdown of released updates to the import experience by Firefox version [here](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FPS/pages/174292993/Data+Import+2.0+Project+Charter#Firefox-114-115-Scope) *114 articles* **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-google-chrome](import-bookmarks-google-chrome)** 1. We are currently promoting Library entry point to import, but need to promote a new primary entry point into import [from about:preferences](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=1-16690&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. The list of supported data types has changed and needs to be updated. New wizard will support the following data types: - browsing history, - bookmarks, - payment methods, - saved logins and passwords, - form autofill data - from 115 and forward **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser](import-data-another-browser)** 1. We need to promote about:preferences entry point. 2. UI screenshots need to change to reflect the new wizard design. 3. Import bookmarks from the HTML section will need an update in 115 once we ship import from HTML inside the import wizard. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/importing-safari-data-firefox](importing-safari-data-firefox)** 1. We no longer need full access to import data from Safari (although users might still do it). I think it would be more valuable to describe the [new Safari import flow](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8745&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0) instead. Especially, since it now prompts users to bring bookmarks AND passwords from Safari. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge](import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge)** 1. The article needs a full update that describes the new flow and promotes the primary entry point in about:preferences. **115 articles** **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-html-file](import-bookmarks-html-file)** 1. Import bookmarks from file is now available directly from the import wizard - [please see the new flow here](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. We should promote about:preferences entry point. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-ie-favorites-other-computer](import-ie-favorites-other-computer)** 1. Importing bookmarks into Firefox section needs to be updated according to the new [bookmarks HTML file import](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). ## What is the anticipated release date? [REQUIRED] 114 - 2023-06-06 115 - 2023-07-04 ## What is the proposed deadline for the content to be published? [REQUIRED] 2023-07-01 In 114, we will launch the new wizard as an experiment to select a better performing option between [Variant 1](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) and [Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) of the new wizard. I'm not sure how to best handle this situation in SUMO since in June there would be users exposed to the old import wizard and both variants. ## Please include any related JIRA/Github/Bugzilla tickets, documentation, demos or practical use cases. [REQUIRED] [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) - variant 1 [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1788748) [Demo](https://mozilla.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=77fa06ab-5b20-4975-aac0-afd300e8cacb) - the demo shows both variants of the import wizard You can also see both new variants of the import wizard in Nightly by flipping one of the prefs to true: *browser.migrate.content-modal.enabled* pref in about:config to see Variant 1. *browser.migrate.content-modal.import-all.enabled* pref to see Variant 2 (you have to flip the above pref to false, too) ## Please add instructions for testing or links to any design assets or visuals. [REQUIRED] ## Does the content need to be localized in any languages outside of our priority locales (yes or no)? **Note: Minimum of 10 days required for translation requests** Yes ## Does the content require legal review (yes or no)? No ## Is the content embargoed (yes or no)? No
## Product Firefox - Desktop only change ## Select the type of request Major update to existing feature/functionality Major change to existing article ## What product version number does this change align with? [REQUIRED] 114 and 115 Please see the breakdown of released updates to the import experience by Firefox version [here](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FPS/pages/174292993/Data+Import+2.0+Project+Charter#Firefox-114-115-Scope) *114 articles* **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-google-chrome](import-bookmarks-google-chrome)** 1. We are currently promoting Library entry point to import, but need to promote a new primary entry point into import [from about:preferences](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=1-16690&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. The list of supported data types has changed and needs to be updated. New wizard will support the following data types: - browsing history, - bookmarks, - payment methods, - saved logins and passwords, - form autofill data - from 115 and forward **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser](import-data-another-browser)** 1. We need to promote about:preferences entry point. 2. UI screenshots need to change to reflect the new wizard design. 3. Import bookmarks from the HTML section will need an update in 115 once we ship import from HTML inside the import wizard. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/importing-safari-data-firefox](importing-safari-data-firefox)** 1. We no longer need full access to import data from Safari (although users might still do it). I think it would be more valuable to describe the [new Safari import flow](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8745&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0) instead. Especially, since it now prompts users to bring bookmarks AND passwords from Safari. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge](import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge)** 1. The article needs a full update that describes the new flow and promotes the primary entry point in about:preferences. **115 articles** **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-html-file](import-bookmarks-html-file)** 1. Import bookmarks from file is now available directly from the import wizard - [please see the new flow here](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. We should promote about:preferences entry point. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-ie-favorites-other-computer](import-ie-favorites-other-computer)** 1. Importing bookmarks into Firefox section needs to be updated according to the new [bookmarks HTML file import](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). ## What is the anticipated release date? [REQUIRED] 114 - 2023-06-06 115 - 2023-07-04 ## What is the proposed deadline for the content to be published? [REQUIRED] 2023-07-01 In 114, we will launch the new wizard as an experiment to select a better performing option between [Variant 1](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) and [Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) of the new wizard. I'm not sure how to best handle this situation in SUMO since in June there would be users exposed to the old import wizard and both variants. ## Please include any related JIRA/Github/Bugzilla tickets, documentation, demos or practical use cases. [REQUIRED] [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) - variant 1 [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1788748) [Demo](https://mozilla.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=77fa06ab-5b20-4975-aac0-afd300e8cacb) - the demo shows both variants of the import wizard You can also see both new variants of the import wizard in Nightly by flipping one of the prefs to true: *browser.migrate.content-modal.enabled* pref in about:config to see Variant 1. *browser.migrate.content-modal.import-all.enabled* pref to see Variant 2 (you have to flip the above pref to false, too) ## Please add instructions for testing or links to any design assets or visuals. [REQUIRED] ## Does the content need to be localized in any languages outside of our priority locales (yes or no)? **Note: Minimum of 10 days required for translation requests** Yes ## Does the content require legal review (yes or no)? No ## Is the content embargoed (yes or no)? No
## Product Firefox - Desktop only change ## Select the type of request Major update to existing feature/functionality Major change to existing article ## What product version number does this change align with? [REQUIRED] 114 and 115 Please see the breakdown of released updates to the import experience by Firefox version [here](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FPS/pages/174292993/Data+Import+2.0+Project+Charter#Firefox-114-115-Scope) *114 articles* **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-google-chrome](import-bookmarks-google-chrome)** 1. We are currently promoting Library entry point to import, but need to promote a new primary entry point into import [from about:preferences](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=1-16690&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. The list of supported data types has changed and needs to be updated. New wizard will support the following data types: - browsing history, - bookmarks, - payment methods, - saved logins and passwords, - form autofill data - from 115 and forward **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser](import-data-another-browser)** 1. We need to promote about:preferences entry point. 2. UI screenshots need to change to reflect the new wizard design. 3. Import bookmarks from the HTML section will need an update in 115 once we ship import from HTML inside the import wizard. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/importing-safari-data-firefox](importing-safari-data-firefox)** 1. We no longer need full access to import data from Safari (although users might still do it). I think it would be more valuable to describe the [new Safari import flow](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8745&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0) instead. Especially, since it now prompts users to bring bookmarks AND passwords from Safari. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge](import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge)** 1. The article needs a full update that describes the new flow and promotes the primary entry point in about:preferences. **115 articles** **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-html-file](import-bookmarks-html-file)** 1. Import bookmarks from file is now available directly from the import wizard - [please see the new flow here](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. We should promote about:preferences entry point. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-ie-favorites-other-computer](import-ie-favorites-other-computer)** 1. Importing bookmarks into Firefox section needs to be updated according to the new [bookmarks HTML file import](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). ## What is the anticipated release date? [REQUIRED] 114 - 2023-06-06 115 - 2023-07-04 ## What is the proposed deadline for the content to be published? [REQUIRED] 2023-07-01 In 114, we will launch the new wizard as an experiment to select a better performing option between [Variant 1](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) and [Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) of the new wizard. I'm not sure how to best handle this situation in SUMO since in June there would be users exposed to the old import wizard and both variants. ## Please include any related JIRA/Github/Bugzilla tickets, documentation, demos or practical use cases. [REQUIRED] [Demo](https://mozilla.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=77fa06ab-5b20-4975-aac0-afd300e8cacb) - the demo shows both variants of the import wizard [Figma Variant 1](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) [Figma Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1788748) [Spec](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19sfXaaiZ5K9fyb6ku_9oJcdcZMqcrunMAIQPnbxMGgY/edit#heading=h.auaulpew7wvw) You can also see both new variants of the import wizard in Nightly by flipping one of the prefs to true: *browser.migrate.content-modal.enabled* pref in about:config to see Variant 1. *browser.migrate.content-modal.import-all.enabled* pref to see Variant 2 (you have to flip the above pref to false, too) ## Please add instructions for testing or links to any design assets or visuals. [REQUIRED] ## Does the content need to be localized in any languages outside of our priority locales (yes or no)? **Note: Minimum of 10 days required for translation requests** Yes ## Does the content require legal review (yes or no)? No ## Is the content embargoed (yes or no)? No
## Product Firefox - Desktop only change ## Select the type of request Major update to existing feature/functionality Major change to existing article ## What product version number does this change align with? [REQUIRED] 114 and 115 Please see the breakdown of released updates to the import experience by Firefox version [here](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FPS/pages/174292993/Data+Import+2.0+Project+Charter#Firefox-114-115-Scope) *114 articles* **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-google-chrome](import-bookmarks-google-chrome)** 1. We are currently promoting Library entry point to import, but need to promote a new primary entry point into import [from about:preferences](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=1-16690&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. The list of supported data types has changed and needs to be updated. New wizard will support the following data types: - browsing history, - bookmarks, - payment methods, - saved logins and passwords, - form autofill data - from 115 and forward **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser](import-data-another-browser)** 1. We need to promote about:preferences entry point. 2. UI screenshots need to change to reflect the new wizard design. 3. Import bookmarks from the HTML section will need an update in 115 once we ship import from HTML inside the import wizard. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/importing-safari-data-firefox](importing-safari-data-firefox)** 1. We no longer need full access to import data from Safari (although users might still do it). I think it would be more valuable to describe the [new Safari import flow](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8745&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0) instead. Especially, since it now prompts users to bring bookmarks AND passwords from Safari. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge](import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge)** 1. The article needs a full update that describes the new flow and promotes the primary entry point in about:preferences. **115 articles** **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-html-file](import-bookmarks-html-file)** 1. Import bookmarks from file is now available directly from the import wizard - [please see the new flow here](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. We should promote about:preferences entry point. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-ie-favorites-other-computer](import-ie-favorites-other-computer)** 1. Importing bookmarks into Firefox section needs to be updated according to the new [bookmarks HTML file import](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). ## What is the anticipated release date? [REQUIRED] 114 - 2023-06-06 115 - 2023-07-04 ## What is the proposed deadline for the content to be published? [REQUIRED] 2023-07-01 In 114, we will launch the new wizard as an experiment to select a better performing option between [Variant 1](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) and [Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) of the new wizard. I'm unsure how to best handle this situation in SUMO since in June there would be users exposed to the old import wizard and both variants. What do you think is the right moment to update all the articles - as soon as we get insights into which variant is winning in July? ## Please include any related JIRA/Github/Bugzilla tickets, documentation, demos or practical use cases. [REQUIRED] [Demo](https://mozilla.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=77fa06ab-5b20-4975-aac0-afd300e8cacb) - the demo shows both variants of the import wizard [Figma Variant 1](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) [Figma Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1788748) [Spec](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19sfXaaiZ5K9fyb6ku_9oJcdcZMqcrunMAIQPnbxMGgY/edit#heading=h.auaulpew7wvw) You can also see both new variants of the import wizard in Nightly by flipping one of the prefs to true: *browser.migrate.content-modal.enabled* pref in about:config to see Variant 1. *browser.migrate.content-modal.import-all.enabled* pref to see Variant 2 (you have to flip the above pref to false, too) ## Please add instructions for testing or links to any design assets or visuals. [REQUIRED] ## Does the content need to be localized in any languages outside of our priority locales (yes or no)? **Note: Minimum of 10 days required for translation requests** Yes ## Does the content require legal review (yes or no)? No ## Is the content embargoed (yes or no)? No
## Product Firefox - Desktop only change ## Select the type of request Major update to existing feature/functionality Major change to existing article ## What product version number does this change align with? [REQUIRED] 114 and 115 Please see the breakdown of released updates to the import experience by Firefox version [here](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FPS/pages/174292993/Data+Import+2.0+Project+Charter#Firefox-114-115-Scope) *114 articles* **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-google-chrome](import-bookmarks-google-chrome)** 1. We are currently promoting Library entry point to import, but need to promote a new primary entry point into import [from about:preferences](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=1-16690&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. The list of supported data types has changed and needs to be updated. New wizard will support the following data types: - browsing history, - bookmarks, - payment methods, - saved logins and passwords, - form autofill data - from 115 and forward **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser](import-data-another-browser)** 1. We need to promote about:preferences entry point. 2. UI screenshots need to change to reflect the new wizard design. 3. Import bookmarks from the HTML section will need an update in 115 once we ship import from HTML inside the import wizard. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/importing-safari-data-firefox](importing-safari-data-firefox)** 1. We no longer need full access to import data from Safari (although users might still do it). I think it would be more valuable to describe the [new Safari import flow](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8745&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0) instead. Especially, since it now prompts users to bring bookmarks AND passwords from Safari. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge](import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge)** 1. The article needs a full update that describes the new flow and promotes the primary entry point in about:preferences. **115 articles** **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-html-file](import-bookmarks-html-file)** 1. Import bookmarks from file is now available directly from the import wizard - [please see the new flow here](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. We should promote about:preferences entry point. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-ie-favorites-other-computer](import-ie-favorites-other-computer)** 1. Importing bookmarks into Firefox section needs to be updated according to the new [bookmarks HTML file import](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). ## What is the anticipated release date? [REQUIRED] 114 - 2023-06-06 115 - 2023-07-04 ## What is the proposed deadline for the content to be published? [REQUIRED] 2023-07-01 In 114, we will launch the new wizard as an experiment to select a better performing option between [Variant 1](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) and [Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) of the new wizard. I'm unsure how to best handle this situation in SUMO since in June there would be users exposed to the old import wizard and both variants. [Here's the experiment brief for more context.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cKP-xqfjwWLashLay8C8uq-gmfSx7zNrGdh9Avfhgws/edit#) What do you think is the right moment to update all the articles - as soon as we get insights into which variant is winning in July? ## Please include any related JIRA/Github/Bugzilla tickets, documentation, demos or practical use cases. [REQUIRED] [Demo](https://mozilla.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=77fa06ab-5b20-4975-aac0-afd300e8cacb) - the demo shows both variants of the import wizard [Figma Variant 1](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) [Figma Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1788748) [Spec](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19sfXaaiZ5K9fyb6ku_9oJcdcZMqcrunMAIQPnbxMGgY/edit#heading=h.auaulpew7wvw) You can also see both new variants of the import wizard in Nightly by flipping one of the prefs to true: *browser.migrate.content-modal.enabled* pref in about:config to see Variant 1. *browser.migrate.content-modal.import-all.enabled* pref to see Variant 2 (you have to flip the above pref to false, too) ## Please add instructions for testing or links to any design assets or visuals. [REQUIRED] ## Does the content need to be localized in any languages outside of our priority locales (yes or no)? **Note: Minimum of 10 days required for translation requests** Yes ## Does the content require legal review (yes or no)? No ## Is the content embargoed (yes or no)? No
## Product Firefox - Desktop only change ## Select the type of request Major update to existing feature/functionality Major change to existing article ## What product version number does this change align with? [REQUIRED] 114 and 115 Please see the breakdown of released updates to the import experience by Firefox version [here](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FPS/pages/174292993/Data+Import+2.0+Project+Charter#Firefox-114-115-Scope) *114 articles* **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-google-chrome](import-bookmarks-google-chrome)** 1. We are currently promoting Library entry point to import, but need to promote a new primary entry point into import [from about:preferences](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=1-16690&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. The list of supported data types has changed and needs to be updated. New wizard will support the following data types: - browsing history, - bookmarks, - saved logins and passwords, - form autofill data - from 115 and forward **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser](import-data-another-browser)** 1. We need to promote about:preferences entry point. 2. UI screenshots need to change to reflect the new wizard design. 3. Import bookmarks from the HTML section will need an update in 115 once we ship import from HTML inside the import wizard. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge](import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge)** 1. The article needs a full update that describes the new flow and promotes the primary entry point in about:preferences. **115 articles** **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-html-file](import-bookmarks-html-file)** 1. Import bookmarks from file is now available directly from the import wizard - [please see the new flow here](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. We should promote about:preferences entry point. 3. Payment methods import from Chromium browsers. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-ie-favorites-other-computer](import-ie-favorites-other-computer)** 1. Importing bookmarks into Firefox section needs to be updated according to the new [bookmarks HTML file import](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). **116 articles** **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/importing-safari-data-firefox](importing-safari-data-firefox)** 1. We no longer need full access to import data from Safari (although users can still do it if they are willing to go this path). I think it would be more valuable to describe the [new Safari import flow](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8745&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0) instead. Especially, since it now prompts users to bring bookmarks AND passwords from Safari. ## What is the anticipated release date? [REQUIRED] 114 - 2023-06-06 115 - 2023-07-04 ## What is the proposed deadline for the content to be published? [REQUIRED] 2023-07-01 In 114, we will launch the new wizard as an experiment to select a better performing option between [Variant 1](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) and [Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) of the new wizard. I'm unsure how to best handle this situation in SUMO since in June there would be users exposed to the old import wizard and both variants. [Here's the experiment brief for more context.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cKP-xqfjwWLashLay8C8uq-gmfSx7zNrGdh9Avfhgws/edit#) What do you think is the right moment to update all the articles - as soon as we get insights into which variant is winning in July? ## Please include any related JIRA/Github/Bugzilla tickets, documentation, demos or practical use cases. [REQUIRED] [Demo](https://mozilla.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=77fa06ab-5b20-4975-aac0-afd300e8cacb) - the demo shows both variants of the import wizard [Figma Variant 1](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) [Figma Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1788748) [Spec](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19sfXaaiZ5K9fyb6ku_9oJcdcZMqcrunMAIQPnbxMGgY/edit#heading=h.auaulpew7wvw) You can also see both new variants of the import wizard in Nightly by flipping one of the prefs to true: *browser.migrate.content-modal.enabled* pref in about:config to see Variant 1. *browser.migrate.content-modal.import-all.enabled* pref to see Variant 2 (you have to flip the above pref to false, too) ## Please add instructions for testing or links to any design assets or visuals. [REQUIRED] ## Does the content need to be localized in any languages outside of our priority locales (yes or no)? **Note: Minimum of 10 days required for translation requests** Yes ## Does the content require legal review (yes or no)? No ## Is the content embargoed (yes or no)? No
## Product Firefox - Desktop only change ## Select the type of request Major update to existing feature/functionality Major change to existing article ## What product version number does this change align with? [REQUIRED] 114 and 115 Please see the breakdown of released updates to the import experience by Firefox version [here](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FPS/pages/174292993/Data+Import+2.0+Project+Charter#Firefox-114-115-Scope) *114 articles* **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-google-chrome](import-bookmarks-google-chrome)** 1. We are currently promoting Library entry point to import, but need to promote a new primary entry point into import [from about:preferences](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=1-16690&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. The list of supported data types has changed and needs to be updated. New wizard will support the following data types: - browsing history, - bookmarks, - saved logins and passwords, - form autofill data - from 115 and forward **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser](import-data-another-browser)** 1. We need to promote about:preferences entry point. 2. UI screenshots need to change to reflect the new wizard design. 3. Import bookmarks from the HTML section will need an update in 115 once we ship import from HTML inside the import wizard. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge](import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge)** 1. The article needs a full update that describes the new flow and promotes the primary entry point in about:preferences. **115 articles** **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-html-file](import-bookmarks-html-file)** 1. Import bookmarks from file is now available directly from the import wizard - [please see the new flow here](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. We should promote about:preferences entry point. 3. Payment methods import from Chromium browsers. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-ie-favorites-other-computer](import-ie-favorites-other-computer)** 1. Importing bookmarks into Firefox section needs to be updated according to the new [bookmarks HTML file import](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). **116 articles** **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/importing-safari-data-firefox](importing-safari-data-firefox)** 1. We no longer need full access to import data from Safari (although users can still do it if they are willing to go this path). I think it would be more valuable to describe the [new Safari import flow](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8745&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0) instead. Especially, since it now prompts users to bring bookmarks AND passwords from Safari. ## What is the anticipated release date? [REQUIRED] 114 - 2023-06-06 115 - 2023-07-04 ## What is the proposed deadline for the content to be published? [REQUIRED] 2023-07-01 In 114, we will launch the new wizard as an experiment to select a better performing option between [Variant 1](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=0-1&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) and [Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) of the new wizard. I'm unsure how to best handle this situation in SUMO since in June there would be users exposed to the old import wizard and both variants. [Here's the experiment brief for more context.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cKP-xqfjwWLashLay8C8uq-gmfSx7zNrGdh9Avfhgws/edit#) What do you think is the right moment to update all the articles - as soon as we get insights into which variant is winning in July? ## Please include any related JIRA/Github/Bugzilla tickets, documentation, demos or practical use cases. [REQUIRED] [Demo](https://mozilla.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=77fa06ab-5b20-4975-aac0-afd300e8cacb) - the demo shows both variants of the import wizard [Figma Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) - this is the variant that's going live [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1788748) [Spec](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19sfXaaiZ5K9fyb6ku_9oJcdcZMqcrunMAIQPnbxMGgY/edit#heading=h.auaulpew7wvw) You can also see both new variants of the import wizard in Nightly by flipping: *browser.migrate.content-modal.import-all.enabled* pref to see Variant 2 ## Please add instructions for testing or links to any design assets or visuals. [REQUIRED] ## Does the content need to be localized in any languages outside of our priority locales (yes or no)? **Note: Minimum of 10 days required for translation requests** Yes ## Does the content require legal review (yes or no)? No ## Is the content embargoed (yes or no)? No
## Product Firefox - Desktop only change ## Select the type of request Major update to existing feature/functionality Major change to existing article ## What product version number does this change align with? [REQUIRED] 115 Please see the breakdown of released updates to the import experience by Firefox version [here](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FPS/pages/174292993/Data+Import+2.0+Project+Charter#Firefox-114-115-Scope) *115 articles* **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-google-chrome](import-bookmarks-google-chrome)** 1. We are currently promoting Library entry point to import, but need to promote a new primary entry point into import [from about:preferences](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=1-16690&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. The list of supported data types has changed and needs to be updated. New wizard will support the following data types: - browsing history, - bookmarks, - saved logins and passwords, - form autofill data - from 115 and forward **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser](import-data-another-browser)** 1. We need to promote about:preferences entry point. 2. UI screenshots need to change to reflect the new wizard design. 3. Import bookmarks from the HTML section will need an update in 115 once we ship import from HTML inside the import wizard. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge](import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge)** 1. The article needs a full update that describes the new flow and promotes the primary entry point in about:preferences. *New new functionality in the import* **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-html-file](import-bookmarks-html-file)** 1. Import bookmarks from file is now available directly from the import wizard - [please see the new flow here](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. We should promote about:preferences entry point. 3. Payment methods import from Chromium browsers. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-ie-favorites-other-computer](import-ie-favorites-other-computer)** 1. Importing bookmarks into Firefox section needs to be updated according to the new [bookmarks HTML file import](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). **116 articles** **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/importing-safari-data-firefox](importing-safari-data-firefox)** 1. We no longer need full access to import data from Safari (although users can still do it if they are willing to go this path). I think it would be more valuable to describe the [new Safari import flow](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8745&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0) instead. Especially, since it now prompts users to bring bookmarks AND passwords from Safari. ## What is the anticipated release date? [REQUIRED] 115 - 2023-07-04 116 - ## What is the proposed deadline for the content to be published? [REQUIRED] 2023-07-01 In 115, we will launch the new wizard for all existing users by default. New users will still be exposed to the old wizard in about:welcome only in 115. ## Please include any related JIRA/Github/Bugzilla tickets, documentation, demos or practical use cases. [REQUIRED] [Demo](https://mozilla.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=77fa06ab-5b20-4975-aac0-afd300e8cacb) - the demo shows both variants of the import wizard [Figma Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) - this is the variant that's going live [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1788748) [Spec](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19sfXaaiZ5K9fyb6ku_9oJcdcZMqcrunMAIQPnbxMGgY/edit#heading=h.auaulpew7wvw) You can also see the new import wizard in Nightly by flipping: *browser.migrate.content-modal.import-all.enabled* pref to see Variant 2 ## Please add instructions for testing or links to any design assets or visuals. [REQUIRED] ## Does the content need to be localized in any languages outside of our priority locales (yes or no)? **Note: Minimum of 10 days required for translation requests** Yes ## Does the content require legal review (yes or no)? No ## Is the content embargoed (yes or no)? No
## Product Firefox - Desktop only change ## Select the type of request Major update to existing feature/functionality Major change to existing article ## What product version number does this change align with? [REQUIRED] 115 Please see the breakdown of released updates to the import experience by Firefox version [here](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FPS/pages/174292993/Data+Import+2.0+Project+Charter#Firefox-114-115-Scope) *115 articles* **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-google-chrome](import-bookmarks-google-chrome)** 1. We are currently promoting Library entry point to import, but need to promote a new primary entry point into import [from about:preferences](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=1-16690&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. The list of supported data types has changed and needs to be updated. New wizard will support the following data types: - browsing history, - bookmarks, - saved logins and passwords, - form autofill data - from 115 and forward **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser](import-data-another-browser)** 1. We need to promote about:preferences entry point. 2. UI screenshots need to change to reflect the new wizard design. 3. Import bookmarks from the HTML section will need an update in 115 once we ship import from HTML inside the import wizard. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge](import-bookmarks-internet-explorer-or-microsoft-edge)** 1. The article needs a full update that describes the new flow and promotes the primary entry point in about:preferences. *New new functionality in the import* **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-bookmarks-html-file](import-bookmarks-html-file)** 1. Import bookmarks from file is now available directly from the import wizard - [please see the new flow here](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). 2. We should promote about:preferences entry point. 3. Payment methods import from Chromium browsers. **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-ie-favorites-other-computer](import-ie-favorites-other-computer)** 1. Importing bookmarks into Firefox section needs to be updated according to the new [bookmarks HTML file import](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=328-6305&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0). **116 articles** **[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/importing-safari-data-firefox](importing-safari-data-firefox)** 1. We no longer need full access to import data from Safari (although users can still do it if they are willing to go this path). I think it would be more valuable to describe the [new Safari import flow](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8745&t=8clsu2rXkZGzVKu0-0) instead. Especially, since it now prompts users to bring bookmarks AND passwords from Safari. [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser) https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-data-another-browser#w_import-extensions-from-chrome 1. We are going to support extensions import from Chrome in 116, and it would be helpful to add a section on how we do extensions import that we can [link to from the import wizard screens](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?type=design&node-id=1485-12009&mode=design&t=TvpGPeGwguVTTpw6-0). ## What is the anticipated release date? [REQUIRED] 115 - 2023-07-04 116 - 2023-08-01 ## What is the proposed deadline for the content to be published? [REQUIRED] 2023-07-01 In 115, we will launch the new wizard for all existing users by default. New users will still be exposed to the old wizard in about:welcome only in 115. ## Please include any related JIRA/Github/Bugzilla tickets, documentation, demos or practical use cases. [REQUIRED] [Demo](https://mozilla.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=77fa06ab-5b20-4975-aac0-afd300e8cacb) - the demo shows both variants of the import wizard [Figma Variant 2](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?node-id=2-8003&t=P1oH9yxQvgED6GTX-0) - this is the variant that's going live [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1788748) [Spec](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19sfXaaiZ5K9fyb6ku_9oJcdcZMqcrunMAIQPnbxMGgY/edit#heading=h.auaulpew7wvw) You can also see the new import wizard in Nightly by flipping: *browser.migrate.content-modal.import-all.enabled* pref to see Variant 2 ## Please add instructions for testing or links to any design assets or visuals. [REQUIRED] ## Does the content need to be localized in any languages outside of our priority locales (yes or no)? **Note: Minimum of 10 days required for translation requests** Yes ## Does the content require legal review (yes or no)? No ## Is the content embargoed (yes or no)? No