Bug 1825371 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

**Found in**

**Affected versions**

**Tested platforms**
* Affected platforms:
* Unaffected platforms: 


**Steps to reproduce**

**Expected result**
* Form preview/autofill/clear should be applied in the eligible fields.

**Actual result**
* Form preview/clear are only applied in the selected field.

**Regression range**
* Not a recent regression.

**Additional notes**
* The issue is not reproduceable in Google Chrome(there is no clear form in the CC number field).
* https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PAthltLYmevjlWo9rrlb4vPrdaVumxRJ/view?usp=sharing
**Found in**
* Nightly 113.0a1

**Affected versions**
* Nightly 113.0a1
* Firefox 111.0.1
* Firefox 112.0b8
* Firefox 102.9.0esr

**Tested platforms**
* Affected platforms: all 
* Unaffected platforms: none

* set pref browser.search.region to FR in about:config
* use FR VPN
* have several credit cards saved in about:preferences#privacy

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Go to https://www.zalando.fr/
2. Add an item to cart and proceed to checkout
3. Click in the Card Number, Expiration Date and Cardholder Name field

**Expected result**
* Form preview/autofill/clear should be applied in the eligible fields.

**Actual result**
* Form preview/clear are only applied in the selected field.

**Regression range**
* Not a recent regression.

**Additional notes**
* The issue is not reproduceable in Google Chrome(there is no clear form in the CC number field).
* Fathom Fox:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PAthltLYmevjlWo9rrlb4vPrdaVumxRJ/view?usp=sharing

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