Ok so to be clear on the work flow so I get it correct this time. ``` Start | Always leave a comment with the commit details | If bug does NOT have the leave-open keyword set: | \ | The commit was made to on the main/master (default) branch | | \ | | Close the bug as RESOLVED | | | | | Mark the appropriate nightly version target milestone | | | | | Set the appropriate nightly status flag to 'fixed' | | | The commit was made on a release branch (i.e. release_v111, etc.) | / \ | / Set the appropriate status flag for the version of the branch (release_v111 => status-firefox111) to 'fixed' | / End ``` Please verify this is proper behavior.
Bug 1825899 Comment 1 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
Ok so to be clear on the work flow so I get it correct this time. ``` Start | Always leave a comment with the commit details | If bug does NOT have the leave-open keyword set: | \ | Close the bug as RESOLVED/FIXED | | | The commit was made to on the main/master (default) branch | | \ | | Mark the appropriate nightly version target milestone | | | | | Set the appropriate nightly status flag to 'fixed' | | | The commit was made on a release branch (i.e. release_v111, etc.) | / \ | / Set the appropriate status flag for the version of the branch (release_v111 => status-firefox111) to 'fixed' | / End ``` Please verify this is proper behavior.
Ok so to be clear on the work flow so I get it correct this time. ``` Start | Always leave a comment with the commit details | If bug does NOT have the leave-open keyword set: | \ | Close the bug as RESOLVED/FIXED | | | The commit was made to on the main/master (default) branch | | \ | | Mark the appropriate nightly version target milestone | | | | | Set the appropriate nightly status flag to 'fixed' | | | The commit was made on a release branch (i.e. release_v111, etc.) | / \ | / Set the appropriate status flag for the version of the branch (release_v111 => status-firefox111) to 'fixed' | / | / End ``` Please verify this is proper behavior.