Software decoded video's overlay support was added by Bug 1753373. It uploads software decoded videos to NV12 ID3D11Texture2D in VideoData::CreateAndCopyData(). But there are still some cases that BufferTextureHost videos does not support video overlay. This bug is going to upload BufferTextureHost video to NV12 ID3D11Texture2D at DCLayerTree. And adding support of video overlay of BufferTextureHost video.
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Software decoded video's overlay support was added by Bug 1753373. It uploads software decoded videos to NV12 ID3D11Texture2D in VideoData::CreateAndCopyData(). But there are still some cases that BufferTextureHost videos does not support video overlay. This bug is going to upload BufferTextureHost video to NV12 ID3D11Texture2D at DCLayerTree. And adding support of video overlay of BufferTextureHost video. It is similar to how chrimium does for overlay of software decoded video.;l=438