Telemetry is starting to get data: ``` Unable to preload module: 0x3e6 Unable to preload module: 0x5af Unable to preload module: 0x45a Unable to preload module: 0x7e ```
Bug 1827380 Comment 9 Edit History
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Telemetry is starting to get data: ``` Unable to preload module: 0x3e6 => ERROR_NOACCESS "Invalid access to memory location." Unable to preload module: 0x5af => ERROR_COMMITMENT_LIMIT "The paging file is too small for this operation to complete." Unable to preload module: 0x45a => ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED => "A DLL initialization routine failed." Unable to preload module: 0x7e => ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND => "The specified module could not be found." ```