Bug 1827512 Comment 7 Edit History

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I tried to find regression window and what I got so far seems more aligned with Adam's comment 5, i.e. this isn't a regression from bug 1784187. I could even reproduce this issue back to esr 102 and Fx 85. Neither the site nor the [test case](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=9328051) worked. My finding is inconsistent with the webcompat report, so I added "regressionwindow-wanted" keyword to let this be on QA's radar.
I tried to find regression window and what I got so far seems more aligned with Adam's comment 5, i.e. this isn't a regression from bug 1784187. I could even reproduce this issue back to esr 102 and Fx 85. Neither the site nor the [test case](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=9328051) had ever worked. My finding is inconsistent with the webcompat report, so I added "regressionwindow-wanted" keyword to let this be on QA's radar.

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