**[Affected versions]:** - Firefox Beta 113.0b2 (Build ID: 20230411180038) **[Affected Platforms]:** - Windows 10 x64 - Windows 11 x64 **[Prerequisites]:** - Have the Firefox Beta 113.0b2 en-US build installed and opened. - Have set the Japanese OS language. - Have the “nimbus.debug” pref set to true in the “about:config” page. **[Steps to reproduce]:** 1. Force enroll in the Treatment B branch of the experiment using the following link: about:studies?optin_slug=prompt-fxa-creation-after-import&optin_branch=treatment-b&optin_collection=nimbus-preview 2. Navigate to the “about:welcome” page. 3. Click the “Skip this step” button from the first screen. 4. Observe the elements from the “Choose Your Language” screen. **[Expected result]:** - The title from the left part of the screen and the label of the primary button are translated into Japanese. **[Actual result]:** - The title from the left part of the screen is not translated. - The “Switch to” label of the primary button is displayed. **[Notes]:** - This issue is ONLY reproducible when being enrolled in the experiment. - This issue is NOT reproducible on the Treatment A branch of the experiment. - The elements of the “Choose Your Language” screen are correctly displayed after the page refresh. - This issue is also reproducible when the German(Germany) OS language is set. - This issue is also reproducible when naturally enrolled in the experiment. - Attached is a screen recording of the issue.
Bug 1827573 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**[Affected versions]:** - Firefox Beta 113.0b2 (Build ID: 20230411180038) **[Affected Platforms]:** - Windows 10 x64 - Windows 11 x64 **[Prerequisites]:** - Have the Firefox Beta 113.0b2 en-US build installed and opened. - Have set the Japanese OS language. - Have the “nimbus.debug” pref set to true in the “about:config” page. **[Steps to reproduce]:** 1. Force enroll in the Treatment B branch of the experiment using the following link: about:studies?optin_slug=prompt-fxa-creation-after-import&optin_branch=treatment-b&optin_collection=nimbus-preview 2. Navigate to the “about:welcome” page. 3. Click the “Save and continue” button from the first screen and complete the import flow. 4. Observe the elements from the “Choose Your Language” screen. **[Expected result]:** - The title from the left part of the screen and the label of the primary button are translated into Japanese. **[Actual result]:** - The title from the left part of the screen is not translated. - The “Switch to” label of the primary button is displayed. **[Notes]:** - This issue is ONLY reproducible when being enrolled in the experiment. - This issue is NOT reproducible on the Treatment A branch of the experiment. - The elements of the “Choose Your Language” screen are correctly displayed after the page refresh. - This issue is also reproducible when the German(Germany) OS language is set. - This issue is also reproducible when naturally enrolled in the experiment. - Attached is a screen recording of the issue.