I think this should only return false here and continue the function when true: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/7e1f58e993f362d5d16bd1230a4417ebb2aa07b3/dom/security/nsHTTPSOnlyUtils.cpp#305
Bug 1828063 Comment 1 Edit History
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~~I think this should only return false here and continue the function when true: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/7e1f58e993f362d5d16bd1230a4417ebb2aa07b3/dom/security/nsHTTPSOnlyUtils.cpp#305~~ Edit: not the case
~~I think this should only return false here and continue the function when true: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/7e1f58e993f362d5d16bd1230a4417ebb2aa07b3/dom/security/nsHTTPSOnlyUtils.cpp#305~~ Edit: not the case, maybe not the same bug?