Bug 1830725 Comment 20 Edit History

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For anyone to test this, there are the following scenarios to confirm: 1) not signed into the Store with an account on Windows 10, 2) signed into the Store with an account on Windows 10, 3) not signed into an account on Windows 11, 4) signed into an account on Windows 11. Scenario 5 is to test that things work when a campaign Id was not specified at all.

For all of the scenarios, if you test this before it has landed in the Store on the official Firefox entry, you'll need a link to the Firefox Nightly store entry. Please message me on Slack to get that. Once have that...

Scenario 1 (Win 10, not signed in):

    Ensure you are not signed in to the Windows Store, possibly on a fresh, new VM, on Windows 10
    Install Firefox Nightly through the link provided through Slack
    Open the Browser Console
    Run the following:

let wpm = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-package-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowsPackageManager)
await wpm.campaignId()

Expected resulted: wpm.campaignId should be ""
If the result is "bug1830725campaigntest" that's fine. Older versions of Windows 10 will not report the campaignId, newer versions will.

Scenario 2 (Win 10, with an account):

    Sign into the Microsoft Store with an account that has never installed Firefox Nightly through the Store before, on Windows 10.
    Install Firefox Nightly through the link provided through Slack
    Open the Browser Console
    Run the following:

let wpm = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-package-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowsPackageManager)
await wpm.campaignId()

Expected resulted: wpm.campaignId should be "bug1830725campaigntest"

Scenario 3 (Win 11, not signed in):

    Ensure you are not signed in to the Windows Store, possibly on a fresh, new VM, on Windows 11
    Install Firefox Nightly through the link provided through Slack
    Open the Browser Console
    Run the following:

let wpm = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-package-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowsPackageManager)
await wpm.campaignId()

Expected resulted: wpm.campaignId should be "bug1830725campaigntest"

Scenario 4 (Win 11, signed in):

    Sign into the Microsoft Store with an account that has never installed Firefox Nightly through the Store before, on Windows 11.
    Install Firefox Nightly through the link provided through Slack
    Open the Browser Console
    Run the following:

let wpm = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-package-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowsPackageManager)
await wpm.campaignId()

Expected resulted: wpm.campaignId should be "bug1830725campaigntest"

Scenario 5 (Win 10 or 11, signed in or not signed in):

    Remove the cid=bug1830725campaigntest from the url provided through Slack
    Install Firefox Nightly through the link with the cid portion
    Open the Browser Console
    Run the following:

let wpm = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-package-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowsPackageManager)
await wpm.campaignId()

Expected resulted: wpm.campaignId should be ""
For anyone to test this, there are the following scenarios to confirm: 1) not signed into the Store with an account on Windows 10, 2) signed into the Store with an account on Windows 10, 3) not signed into an account on Windows 11, 4) signed into an account on Windows 11. Scenario 5 is to test that things work when a campaign Id was not specified at all.

For all of the scenarios, if you test this before it has landed in the Store on the official Firefox entry, you'll need a link to the Firefox Nightly store entry. Please message me on Slack to get that. Once have that...

Scenario 1 (Win 10, not signed in):

    Ensure you are not signed in to the Windows Store, possibly on a fresh, new VM, on Windows 10
    Install Firefox Nightly through the link provided through Slack
    Open the Browser Console
    Run the following:

    let wpm = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-package-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowsPackageManager)
    await wpm.campaignId()

Expected resulted: wpm.campaignId should be ""

If the result is "bug1830725campaigntest" that's fine too. Older versions of Windows 10 will not report the campaignId, newer versions will.

Scenario 2 (Win 10, with an account):

    Sign into the Microsoft Store with an account that has never installed Firefox Nightly through the Store before, on Windows 10.
    Install Firefox Nightly through the link provided through Slack
    Open the Browser Console
    Run the following:

    let wpm = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-package-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowsPackageManager)
    await wpm.campaignId()

Expected resulted: wpm.campaignId should be "bug1830725campaigntest"

Scenario 3 (Win 11, not signed in):

    Ensure you are not signed in to the Windows Store, possibly on a fresh, new VM, on Windows 11
    Install Firefox Nightly through the link provided through Slack
    Open the Browser Console
    Run the following:

    let wpm = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-package-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowsPackageManager)
    await wpm.campaignId()

Expected resulted: wpm.campaignId should be "bug1830725campaigntest"

Scenario 4 (Win 11, signed in):

    Sign into the Microsoft Store with an account that has never installed Firefox Nightly through the Store before, on Windows 11. This might have to be a completely clean install of Windows 11 / VM, as Microsoft caches the values aggressively.
    Install Firefox Nightly through the link provided through Slack
    Open the Browser Console
    Run the following:

    let wpm = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-package-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowsPackageManager)
    await wpm.campaignId()

Expected resulted: wpm.campaignId should be "bug1830725campaigntest"

Scenario 5 (Win 10 or 11, signed in or not signed in):

    Remove the cid=bug1830725campaigntest from the url provided through Slack
    Install Firefox Nightly through the link with the cid portion
    Open the Browser Console
    Run the following:

    let wpm = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-package-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowsPackageManager)
    await wpm.campaignId()

Expected resulted: wpm.campaignId should be ""
To reproduce that, you might need to use a fresh install of Windows, as the campaign id is aggressively cached.

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