Bug 1830875 Comment 22 Edit History

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I get a really weird behavior when testing this, the channel seems to be resumed properly but the test stops immediately with

[2024-06-20 18:20:05] ERROR: Failed waiting on page https://dashboard.sitespeed.io/d/9NDMzFfMk/page-metrics-desktop?orgId=1&var-base=sitespeed_io&var-path=desktop&var-testname=spa&var-group=dashboard_sitespeed_io&var-page=pageTimingMetricsDefault&var-browser=chrome&var-connectivity=cable&var-function=median&var-resulturl=https:%2F%2Fdata.sitespeed.io%2F&var-screenshottype=jpg to finished loading, timed out after 120000 ms WebDriverError: Failed to decode response from marionette


The 120000ms is odd because the test runs in under 5 seconds on my machine. Peter do you see the same thing?
I get a really weird behavior when testing this, the channel seems to be resumed properly but the test stops immediately with

[2024-06-20 18:20:05] ERROR: Failed waiting on page https://dashboard.sitespeed.io/d/9NDMzFfMk/page-metrics-desktop?orgId=1&var-base=sitespeed_io&var-path=desktop&var-testname=spa&var-group=dashboard_sitespeed_io&var-page=pageTimingMetricsDefault&var-browser=chrome&var-connectivity=cable&var-function=median&var-resulturl=https:%2F%2Fdata.sitespeed.io%2F&var-screenshottype=jpg 
to finished loading, timed out after 120000 ms WebDriverError: Failed to decode response from marionette


The 120000ms is odd because the test runs in under 5 seconds on my machine. Peter do you see the same thing?

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