**Found in** * Firefox 114.0a1 nightlytest channel **Affected versions** * Firefox 114.0a1 - nightlytest **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: macOS 12 * Unaffected platforms: Ubuntu 22, Windows 10, macOS 11 aarch64 **Preconditions** * media.gmp.decoder.enabled=true * media.gmp.decoder.preferred=true * media.gmp.decoder.multithreaded=true **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open the following link: https://shaka-player-demo.appspot.com/ 2. From drop-down Asset menu choose "Big Buck Bunny (LCEVC H264)". **Expected result** * The video should play and no crashes should occur. **Actual result** * The video does not play the gmpopenh264 plugin has crashed. **Regression range** * New feature. **Additional notes** * The plugin does not crash when media.gmp.decoder.multithreaded pref is false, the video is playing but the rendered quality is very bad see the attached screenshot (Shaka.png). * Crash report: https://crash-stats.mozilla.org/report/index/f8b1f382-0e84-42bc-b950-9edca0230508 * The plugin does not crash on Ubuntu 22 and Windows 10, but the video quality is very bad.
Bug 1831875 Comment 0 Edit History
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**Found in** * Firefox 114.0a1 nightlytest channel **Affected versions** * Firefox 114.0a1 - nightlytest **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: macOS 12 * Unaffected platforms: Ubuntu 22, Windows 10, macOS 11 aarch64 **Preconditions** * media.gmp.decoder.enabled=true * media.gmp.decoder.preferred=true * media.gmp.decoder.multithreaded=true **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open the following link: https://shaka-player-demo.appspot.com/ 2. From drop-down Asset menu choose "Big Buck Bunny (LCEVC H264)". **Expected result** * The video should play and no crashes should occur. **Actual result** * The video does not play the gmpopenh264 plugin has crashed. **Regression range** * New feature. **Additional notes** * The plugin does not crash when media.gmp.decoder.multithreaded pref is false, the video is playing but the rendered quality is very bad see the attached screenshot (Shaka.png). * Crash report: https://crash-stats.mozilla.org/report/index/f8b1f382-0e84-42bc-b950-9edca0230508 * The plugin does not crash on Ubuntu 22 and Windows 10, but the video appear janky when decoding using the OpenH264 2.3.2 plugin.
**Found in** * Firefox 114.0a1 nightlytest channel **Affected versions** * Firefox 114.0a1 - nightlytest **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: macOS 12 * Unaffected platforms: Ubuntu 22, Windows 10, macOS 11 aarch64 **Preconditions** * media.gmp.decoder.enabled=true * media.gmp.decoder.preferred=true * media.gmp.decoder.multithreaded=true **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open the following link: https://shaka-player-demo.appspot.com/ or https://html5videoplayer.net/html5video/mp4-h-264-video-test/ 2. From drop-down Asset menu choose "Big Buck Bunny (LCEVC H264)". **Expected result** * The video should play and no crashes should occur. **Actual result** * The video does not play the gmpopenh264 plugin has crashed. **Regression range** * New feature. **Additional notes** * The plugin does not crash when media.gmp.decoder.multithreaded pref is false, the video is playing but the rendered quality is very bad see the attached screenshot (Shaka.png). * Crash report: https://crash-stats.mozilla.org/report/index/f8b1f382-0e84-42bc-b950-9edca0230508 * The plugin does not crash on Ubuntu 22 and Windows 10, but the video appear janky when decoding using the OpenH264 2.3.2 plugin. * If the media.gmp.decoder.multithreaded pref is on false html5video didn't crash, but the seeking to forward problem is not solved.