`./mach test` is awesome :) I got the logic for it integrated into a utility class for running functional tests, and I'm able to run the `dom/serviceworkers/test/test_sw_register_performance.html` locally, and capture and report the metrics. Here's a series of patches that does this: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/jobs?repo=try&revision=9b48c5f603958bf8f197a92ab08fab5007c7e587 I'm working on the CI integration now.
Bug 1832059 Comment 2 Edit History
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`./mach test` is awesome :) I got the logic for it integrated into a utility class for running functional tests, and I'm able to run the `dom/serviceworkers/test/test_sw_register_performance.html` locally, and capture and report the metrics. Here's a series of patches that does this: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/jobs?repo=try&revision=eea685baa9f90bc0e6519691f30005c3de97f5f9 I'm working on the CI integration now.