(In reply to Roger Yang [:royang] from comment #13) > Comparing to Chrome's behaviour, Chrome opens the new window inside the current custom tab. To match this behaviour, we should just load the URL inside the current custom tab. Have you looked at other window requests to validate we are not breaking any other behaviour? I don't think all web content runs in a way to expect window requests to be loaded in the same tab. `target=_blank` and all the other special uses by sites like SSO could suddenly break.
Bug 1832357 Comment 15 Edit History
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(In reply to Roger Yang [:royang] from comment #13) > Comparing to Chrome's behaviour, Chrome opens the new window inside the current custom tab. To match this behaviour, we should just load the URL inside the current custom tab. Have you looked at other window requests to validate we are not breaking any other behaviour? I don't think all web content runs in a way to expect window requests to be loaded in the same tab. [`target=_blank`][0] and all the other special uses by sites like SSO could suddenly break. [0]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a#target