" To synthesize baselines from a rectangle (or two parallel lines), synthesize the alphabetic baseline from the line-under line, " The "line-under" side is defined as "the side underlines are typically drawn on", here: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-writing-modes-4/#line-under Normally the line-under side is the block-end side, but it seems `vertical-lr` is special in that these are instead opposite, as you can see here: ``` data:text/html,<body style="writing-mode:vertical-lr"><u>first line</u><br>second line<br>Block end edge ``` (I think `text-orientation:sideways` is only relevant here in that it makes us use the alphabetic baseline instead of the central baseline? or something to that effect. It doesn't seem to change the layout of latin text itself.)
Bug 1835562 Comment 2 Edit History
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The text references this spec text: " To synthesize baselines from a rectangle (or two parallel lines), synthesize the alphabetic baseline from the line-under line, " https://drafts.csswg.org/css-align-3/#synthesize-baseline The "line-under" side is defined as "the side underlines are typically drawn on", here: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-writing-modes-4/#line-under Normally the line-under side is the block-end side, but it seems `vertical-lr` is special in that these are instead opposite, as you can see here: ``` data:text/html,<body style="writing-mode:vertical-lr"><u>first line</u><br>second line<br>Block end edge ``` (I think `text-orientation:sideways` is only relevant here in that it makes us use the alphabetic baseline instead of the central baseline? or something to that effect. It doesn't seem to change the layout of latin text itself.)
The test references this spec text: " To synthesize baselines from a rectangle (or two parallel lines), synthesize the alphabetic baseline from the line-under line, " https://drafts.csswg.org/css-align-3/#synthesize-baseline The "line-under" side is defined as "the side underlines are typically drawn on", here: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-writing-modes-4/#line-under Normally the line-under side is the block-end side, but it seems `vertical-lr` is special in that these are instead opposite, as you can see here: ``` data:text/html,<body style="writing-mode:vertical-lr"><u>first line</u><br>second line<br>Block end edge ``` (I think `text-orientation:sideways` is only relevant here in that it makes us use the alphabetic baseline instead of the central baseline? or something to that effect. It doesn't seem to change the layout of latin text itself.)