Reproduced the issue on 115.0.1, the proceed to verify it as fixed on Windows 10, Mac 13, Ubuntu 22.04 with Firefox 119.0a1 (2023-08-30), 118.0b2, 117.0, 116.0.3
Bug 1840827 Comment 7 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
Reproduced the issue on 115.0.1, then proceed to verify it as fixed on Windows 10, Mac 13, Ubuntu 22.04 with Firefox 119.0a1 (2023-08-30), 118.0b2, 117.0, 116.0.3
Reproduced the issue on 115.0.1, then proceeded to verify it as fixed on Windows 10, Mac 13, Ubuntu 22.04 with Firefox 119.0a1 (2023-08-30), 118.0b2, 117.0, 116.0.3