Description: This is an update of the existing firefox view in-content page (the entrypoint is the hidden tab in the tab strip). It has been redesigned to include a side navigation with sections for the Recent Browsing page (acts as an overview of the other sections), and sections for Open Tabs, Recently Closed Tabs, Tabs on Other Devices and History. This surface has been mostly complete but there is some minor work still underway. How do we test this? Go to about:config and set the "browser.tabs.firefoxview-next" pref to "true" and when you enter firefox view via the existing entry point in the tab strip, the new in-content page will be shown. When will this ship? Tracking bug/issue: Aiming for 119 release, bug 1827393 is the meta bug. Design documents (e.g. Product Requirements Document, UI spec): Engineering lead: Sarah Clements and Mike Kaply Product manager: James Stephens The accessibility team has developed the Mozilla Accessibility Release Guidelines which outline what is needed to make user interfaces accessible: Please describe the accessibility guidelines you considered and what steps you've taken to address them: The UX team has included a11y concerns as part of the design process. It's also been addressed as much as possible during review of patches (either by pulling in morgan and other a11y team reviewers to individual patches or by feedback from peers on the engineering team). Describe any areas of concern to which you want the accessibility team to give special attention: We want to understand the overall experience for screen reader users and users of other assistive technologies, and if there is anything major that we have overlooked.
Bug 1845481 Comment 1 Edit History
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Description: This is an update of the existing firefox view in-content page (the entrypoint is the hidden tab in the tab strip). It has been redesigned to include a side navigation with sections for the Recent Browsing page (acts as an overview of the other sections), and sections for Open Tabs, Recently Closed Tabs, Tabs on Other Devices and History. This surface has been mostly complete but there is some minor work still underway. How do we test this? Go to about:config and set the "browser.tabs.firefoxview-next" pref to "true" in Nightly and when you enter firefox view via the existing entry point in the tab strip, the new in-content page will be shown. When will this ship? Tracking bug/issue: Aiming for 119 release, bug 1827393 is the meta bug. Design documents (e.g. Product Requirements Document, UI spec): Engineering lead: Sarah Clements and Mike Kaply Product manager: James Stephens The accessibility team has developed the Mozilla Accessibility Release Guidelines which outline what is needed to make user interfaces accessible: Please describe the accessibility guidelines you considered and what steps you've taken to address them: The UX team has included a11y concerns as part of the design process. It's also been addressed as much as possible during review of patches (either by pulling in morgan and other a11y team reviewers to individual patches or by feedback from peers on the engineering team). Describe any areas of concern to which you want the accessibility team to give special attention: We want to understand the overall experience for screen reader users and users of other assistive technologies, and if there is anything major that we have overlooked.